Hi, is there a possibility to resize panel icon in Unity?
In "Settings - Displays", "Scale for menu and title bars:" will overall enlarge the interface elements, including the icons on the panel. I do not think there is an easy way to enlarge only the icons. Enlarging the icons would require you to enlarge the panel anyway.
Go into the Software Centre and install Unity Tweak Tool. Then you'll be able to enlarge or reduce them in Launcher options. If you prefer the terminal: Code: sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
Question is, as I understood, not on the launcher icons, but on the panel icons.
I assumed that launcher was meant, since this is a common question, and I personally used to call the launcher the panel. Still, if panel was indeed meant, my mistake. This may help, have not tried it myself though https://junise.wordpress.com/2015/07...inal/#more-149 EDIT: by the looks of it, this writer also calls the launcher the panel. Very confusing.
Last edited by lysander6662; March 19th, 2017 at 05:45 PM.
I meant panel icons (system tray), not launcher. Similar to Gnome extension Top icons plus where you can resize panel icons.
So whatever the OP ment, there is an answer now If it indeed concerns the launcher icons, then this can be done without installing any extra tools under Settings - Appearance.
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