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Thread: Conky Manager

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    The Freight Yard

    Re: Conky Manager

    This is the link I use when installing Conky Manager after a reinstall:

    I know the latest CM on the PPA page is listed as 16.04, but it does install & work fine in Ubuntu-MATE 16.10.
    This post is like Brigadoon!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    New England

    Re: Conky Manager

    Thanks for link. Yes, it installs and works. When I initially tried to configure (both gui and text config file) /Gotham/Gotham anywhere at the top, it stays at the corresponding left, right, or middle/middle position. However, after rebooting the PC, Conky Manager worked just fine.
    Last edited by g33zr; January 19th, 2017 at 05:07 PM.
    Desktop PC: System76 Sable/ Linux Mint Cinnamon
    Laptop: System76 Pangolin/Linux Mint Cinnamon

    What? Me Worry?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Conky Manager

    Hey, one short question of me. For month my Conky worked well, I had create new widgets and download some nice. Now I wanted to add a new calender, but he is not list in my Conky Manager. I write some on my own and download some, but nothing happens, they are not shown in my Conky Manager. If I take a file that is shown in Conky and copy it, it is also not more shown (in my Conky Manger list with all files). Can I do something, maybe import them manually in Conky? Why they do not work whatever I try? Thanks for help (and of course, sorry for my english ), lovespock

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Xubuntu Development Release

    Re: Conky Manager

    Post your file here, and we can take a look to see if we can help you!
    Mine is just basic:
    background yes
    cpu_avg_samples 1
    default_bar_size 100 8
    default_graph_size 200 100
    diskio_avg_samples 10
    double_buffer yes
    extra_newline no
    if_up_strictness address
    net_avg_samples 1
    no_buffers yes
    temperature_unit celsius
    text_buffer_size 2048
    short_units yes
    update_interval 90
    ###End Settings###
    alignment top_right
    gap_x 20
    gap_y 42
    minimum_size 300 740
    maximum_width 300
    ###End Position###
    border_inner_margin 0
    border_outer_margin 10
    border_width 0
    draw_borders no
    draw_graph_borders yes
    draw_outline no
    draw_shades no
    ###End Borders###
    own_window yes
    own_window_argb_value 0
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    #own_window_class systemConky
    own_window_color 3D3D3D
    own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
    #all options for own_window_type are normal, desktop, dock, panel or override
    #best for Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon
    #own_window_type dock
    #best for Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic
    own_window_type dock
    #own_window_transparent yes
    #own_window_title system_conky
    ###End Window###
    use_xft yes
    xftfont DroidSans:size=8.75
    xftalpha 0.1
    ## Force UTF8? Requires XFT (see above)
    ## Displays degree symbol, instead of °, etc.
    override_utf8_locale yes
    ## Daemonize Conky, aka 'fork to background'.
    background yes
    ## Update interval in seconds.
    update_interval 2.0
    ## The number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    ## Zero makes Conky run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    ## Create 'own_window' type. Makes Conky behave like other panels.
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    # own_window_type normal
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    own_window_type dock
    ## Some distros require the following lines for true transparency.
    ## BOTH of these lines need to be Commented/Uncommented in tandem.
    # own_window_argb_visual yes
    # own_window_argb_value 255
    ## Force images to redraw when they change.
    imlib_cache_size 1
    ## Use double buffering? Reduces flicker.
    double_buffer yes
    ## Draw shades?
    #draw_shades yes
    default_shade_color 330
    ## Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    ## Draw borders around text?
    draw_borders no
    ## Draw borders around graphs?
    draw_graph_borders no
    ## Print text to stdout?
    ## Print text in console?
    out_to_ncurses no
    out_to_console no
    ## Text alignment.
    # alignment top_right
    alignment top_left
    # alignment br
    ## Minimum size of the text area.
    ## Syntax: minimum_size [width] [height]
    #minimum_size 245 1394
    # minimum_size 245 1894
    # minimum_size 300 1080
    minimum_size 245 1080
    maximum_width 1200
    ###End Font###
    ###Defining Colors###
    default_color FFFFFF
    default_outline_color 000000
    default_shade_color 000000
    #Shades of Gray#
    color1 DDDDDD
    color2 AAAAAA
    color3 888888
    color4 EF5A29
    color5 77B753
    #Light Orange#
    color6 FFA300
    ###End Color###
    ${alignr}${font ConkyColors:size=14,weight:normal}n  ${font}
    ${voffset -10}${offset 55}${voffset 20}${color1}${font Ubuntu mono:size=14,weight:bold}${execpi 80000 cal |sed '/\(20[0-9][0-9]\)/!s/^.*$/ ${offset 40}${color} &/;/\(20[0-9][0-9]\)/!s/.\{8\}$/${color3}&/;s/${color3} '"`date +%_d`"' /${color4} '"`date +%_d`"'${color3} /;/color1/!s/ '"`date +%_d`"'$c/${color1} '"`date +%_d`"'$c/;/color1/!s/ '"`date +%_d`"' /${color4} '"`date +%_d`"'${color2} /'}
    EDIT: And just in case naming the file is important for Conky Manager to see it.
    IE: (.my_calendarrc)
    And these scirpts must be the .conky directory in your home.
    Last edited by 1fallen; July 2nd, 2017 at 10:12 PM. Reason: Added Info
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    Dalai Lama>>
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