Hi Everybody! Next month on 21 April 2016 the next version of Ubuntu will be released: Xenial Xerus, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Traditionally, some local Ubuntu Canada chapters hold release parties. So far, I know of two: One in Toronto, and one being planned in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. If you're somewhere else and want to have a local Ubuntu Release Party then you should take charge and hold one! It's easy: Just pick a time, a date, and a location, announce it to everyone, and show up. The Release Parties I plan usually involve going to my favourite local restaurant and eating Egg Rolls, but you can have a Release Party at a coffee shop, community hall, or even your living room. You can have presentations, an installfest, or just sit around and chat about computers. Here's the info on the Toronto Release Party: *What*: Toronto Xenial Xerus Release Party *When*: Thu, 21 April 2016 20:00 - 23:45 EDT' *Where*: Alio Lounge, 108 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario *Map*: http://osm.org/go/ZX6BtMGJ--?m=&node=1113718580 *LoCo Event*: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/3330/detail/ The Kitchener-Waterloo Release Party is still in the planning stages. You can help choose a date by adding your name and availability at the Framadate scheduling tool (which is Free Software!): https://framadate.org/TZOPec2w2fYOyS7b Once we have a date we can decide on a venue. If you're not already on the Ubuntu Canada mailing list, I recommend you sign up: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca The mailing list has lots of discussion, questions and answers, and info about Release Parties Hope to see you at an Ubuntu Canada Release Party! --Bob Jonkman bjonkman@sobac.com (contact for Ubuntu-ca)
Would love to host a party but my nearest neighbor would likely be a polar bear as I live just about where the tree line stops and polar bears start.
Originally Posted by sammiev Would love to host a party but my nearest neighbor would likely be a polar bear as I live just about where the tree line stops and polar bears start. You should host a party anyway! Even if there are few neighbours we can see about holding a virtual online party during the Toronto or KW parties. We did this a few years ago, and were joined by some people from South America! --Bob.
Originally Posted by sammiev Would love to host a party but my nearest neighbor would likely be a polar bear as I live just about where the tree line stops and polar bears start. You can always ask the polar bears what they think of the option to move the unity launcher to the bottom of the screen. I'm sure they have opinions.
The poll is done, and further discussion about the Kitchener-Waterloo Ubuntu Release Party is taking place on the Ubuntu-Waterloo-Region mailing list: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-w.../msg00259.html You can subscribe to that list at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-waterloo-region by joining the team. --Bob.
Would love to jump in if there is an irc channel.
There certainly is: #ubuntu-ca-kw on irc.ubuntu.com port 7070 for a secure connection. Or you can use the Web-based chat at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca It's pretty quiet in there, tho. The only other guy is named ChanServ, and he doesn't have much to say. --Bob.
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