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Thread: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Cheshire, UK
    Xubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    The good Doctor chili555 fixed my Wifi around 10 months ago
    But unfortunately it is playing up again.

    I've tried different settings, Channels etc in the WiFi unit but it still goes slow and has a habit of dropping out. I have been following a few threads on the subject and I've now got 2 antenna's (one on each connector) on my card. It has improved the signal strength, but not the speed, which is painful at times.

    I rebuild the drivers as per the good Doctor's instructions whenever there is a change to the Kernal. But of late I have been getting the following errors when running the code:

    mel@Presario-CQ57:~$ cd backports-3.19-rc1-1
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~/backports-3.19-rc1-1$ make clean
    Generating local configuration database from kernel ... done.
      CLEAN   /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/.tmp_versions
      CLEAN   /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/Module.symvers
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~/backports-3.19-rc1-1$ make defconfig-rtlwifi
    make[2]: execvp: ./lxdialog/ Permission denied
    make[2]: execvp: ./lxdialog/ Permission denied
    cc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer   -c -o conf.o conf.c
    cc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer   -c -o
    cc   conf.o   -o conf
    boolean symbol HWMON tested for 'm'? test forced to 'n'
    boolean symbol HWMON tested for 'm'? test forced to 'n'
    # configuration written to .config
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~/backports-3.19-rc1-1$ make
    make[5]: execvp: ./lxdialog/ Permission denied
    make[5]: execvp: ./lxdialog/ Permission denied
    make[5]: `conf' is up to date.
    boolean symbol HWMON tested for 'm'? test forced to 'n'
    boolean symbol HWMON tested for 'm'? test forced to 'n'
    # configuration written to .config
    Building backport-include/backport/autoconf.h ... done.
      CC [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/compat/main.o
      LD [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/compat/compat.o
      CC [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8821ae/trx.o
      LD [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8821ae/rtl8821ae.o
      CC [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/mac80211/main.o
      CC [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/mac80211/status.o
      LD [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/wireless/cfg80211.o
      Building modules, stage 2.
      MODPOST 18 modules
      CC      /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/compat/compat.mod.o
      LD [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/compat/compat.ko
      LD [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtlwifi.ko
      CC      /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/mac80211/mac80211.mod.o
      LD [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko
      CC      /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/wireless/cfg80211.mod.o
      LD [M]  /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~/backports-3.19-rc1-1$ sudo make install
    [sudo] password for mel: 
      Building modules, stage 2.
      MODPOST 18 modules
      INSTALL /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/compat/compat.ko
    Can't read private key
      INSTALL /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/btcoexist/btcoexist.ko
    Can't read private key
      INSTALL /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8188ee/rtl8188ee.ko
    Can't read private key
      INSTALL /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtlwifi.ko
    Can't read private key
      INSTALL /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko
    Can't read private key
      INSTALL /home/mel/backports-3.19-rc1-1/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko
    Can't read private key
      DEPMOD  3.19.0-47-generic
    make[1]: execvp: ./scripts/ Permission denied
    make[1]: *** [install] Error 127
    make: *** [install] Error 2
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~/backports-3.19-rc1-1$ ^C
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~/backports-3.19-rc1-1$ ^C
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~/backports-3.19-rc1-1$ make defconfig-rtlwifi^C
    I have cut a lot of the code out. But, left in the Errors and Permissions Denied.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Carolina, USA
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    I doubt that building backports-3.19-rc1-1 when you are already running kernel version 3.19.0-47-generic is productive. I doubt that the backports driver differs at all from the default driver that comes with 3.19.0-xx.

    This mystifies me:
    rt2x00lib: Unknown symbol ieee80211_queue_delayed_work (err -22)
    rt2x00lib is part of the rt2800usb and rt2800pci suite of drivers for Ralink devices. That's a whole different family from the rtl8192xx family for Realtek devices. Did you have a USB wireless inserted temporarily?

    What happens if you simply don't recompile backports and let the default driver load? Unstable? Won't connect at all? Smoke? Sparks??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Cheshire, UK
    Xubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    Quote Originally Posted by chili555 View Post
    I doubt that building backports-3.19-rc1-1 when you are already running kernel version 3.19.0-47-generic is productive. I doubt that the backports driver differs at all from the default driver that comes with 3.19.0-xx.
    Sorry, I was just carrying out instructions from last time. Each time the Kernal was updated I rebuilt the driver.
    If I didn't, it used to be the case that it would play up. It will connect most of the time. But sometimes I have to reboot the lappy and the Wifi itself. If I move away from the unit the signal gets poor. This doesn't happen if I boot it in *******.

    I wasn't aware that there was no longer a requirement to rebuild the driver. Should I clear out the backports folder now?

    Quote Originally Posted by chili555 View Post
    This mystifies me:rt2x00lib is part of the rt2800usb and rt2800pci suite of drivers for Ralink devices. That's a whole different family from the rtl8192xx family for Realtek devices. Did you have a USB wireless inserted temporarily?
    I build websites and I really need a stable connection and it can get extremely frustrating when it slows right down. So yes. I have been experimenting with a USB adaptor. I will do anything rather than go back to the darkside.

    Thanks for checking this out I really do appreciate it!

  4. #4
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    Should I clear out the backports folder now?
    Yes, please and let's try a whole new approach. With a working connection, open a terminal and do:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install git
    git clone
    cd rtlwifi_new
    sudo make install
    Reboot and I will probably have one more step.

  5. #5
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    Everything seems fine Doc and my Home folder looks a lot tidier!!'s a lot quicker.

  6. #6
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel_Blakey View Post
    Everything seems fine Doc and my Home folder looks a lot tidier!!'s a lot quicker.
    Please test for another day or so and, if you are satisfied, then please use thread tools at the top to mark Solved.

    As before, when a new kernel version is installed, recompile:
    cd rtlwifi_new
    make clean
    sudo make install
    And then reboot.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    Will do!

    Thank You So Much

    Really Appreciated!

  8. #8
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    I decided to give it a couple of days trial because it was still a bit 'slugish' occasionally / rarely. But the overall performance is very good.... !!

    Yesterday, however I had a security update come through and it has change the kernel from 3.19.0-47 to 3.19.0-49. So I assumed that it was time to run:
    cd rtlwifi_new
    make clean
    sudo make install

    And it came back with this:
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~$ cd rtlwifi_new
    bash: cd: rtlwifi_new: No such file or directory
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~$ make clean
    make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~$ make
    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
    mel@Presario-CQ57:~$ sudo make install
    I searched for rtlwifi and it does exist at: /system/module/rtlwifi

    Any thoughts?


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    It appears that you didn't download, or, in this case, git clone, the files into your home directory. Did you send it to your desktop? Downloads? Or...??

    The kwik-n-durty way to find it is with locate:
    sudo updatedb
    This will take a few moments; please be patient. Next:
    locate rtlwifi_new
    When you find it, change directories (cd) to that location and try again:
    cd ~/Desktop/rtlwifi_new
    Or wherever it is found, if not Desktop. Then proceed as before.

    Just as an example, here is the reading from my machine:
    chili@T440p:~$ locate rtlwifi_new
    So, in my case, to recompile the package, I'd need to do:
    cd ~/Desktop/Forum/rtlwifi_new
    The squiggly ~ is sort of terminal shorthand for /home/user_whoever.

  10. #10
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    Re: Realtek RTL8188CE Unstable

    It appears that you didn't download, or, in this case, git clone, the files into your home directory. Did you send it to your desktop? Downloads? Or...??
    Earlier I did what you said to do in post #4 and I thought, that's all I had to do. I didn't purposefully send or save it anywhere....

    I did the stuff you asked and located: (locked) in the Downloads folder

    I unpacked this with 'Archive Manager' to the desktop but there is NO 'rtlwifi_new' folder inside it.

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