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Thread: vpn config with PIA (private internet access)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    vpn config with PIA (private internet access)

    First thread I've started so I hope I'm doing this right and providing enough info. I searched and did not see where this is already covered. I look forward to learning a lot and sharing what I can to help others.

    Just installed Ubuntu15.10 and still learning my way around. I use privateinternetaccess for my vpn. I installed it and now I see the list of the many access points I can use in the network drop down at the top right of the desktop. I click one and it asks my pia password, I enter it and I'm on. All cool. The problem (really more of an inconvenience) is that I have to enter my pia passsword to every one of the access cities. Seems like I would be able to edit a conf file somewhere and have it in there.

    does anyone know of an edit I can make that will put my vpn password into each location?

    when I use the pull down, upper right corner, select vpn connections>configurevpn, this is the screen I get to help give you an idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: vpn config with PIA (private internet access)

    maybe this will help. Here's the Ubuntu install guide. Its been a couple days and I've worked on several systems since so while I'm not positive it worked as flawlessly as outlined, I believe it was close. (I think I might have been missing a few packages I had to add iirc.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: vpn config with PIA (private internet access)

    well I found the config files! "locate PIA" (imagine that ) you can see here there are many. one for each location

    each of those files contains the username but does not store the password. not even the locations I've used already.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: vpn config with PIA (private internet access)

    Your passwords wouldn't be very secure if they were stored in plain text in a config file, would they?

    They're in your user password store, which is probably called "Passwords and Keys". Open Passwords and Keys, select "Login" in the nav bar on the left, and look for entries like this: VPN password secret for PIA - US Silicon Valley/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn/vpn. I'm not aware of any way to do bulk entry, but you could enter your passwords by hand there.

    What I do is just wait until I use a particular server and then enter the password at login. It's kind of a hassle, but your system should remember the password so you won't have to enter it again for that server.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: vpn config with PIA (private internet access)

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilGil View Post
    Your passwords wouldn't be very secure if they were stored in plain text in a config file, would they?

    They're in your user password store, which is probably called "Passwords and Keys". Open Passwords and Keys, select "Login" in the nav bar on the left, and look for entries like this: VPN password secret for PIA - US Silicon Valley/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn/vpn. I'm not aware of any way to do bulk entry, but you could enter your passwords by hand there.

    What I do is just wait until I use a particular server and then enter the password at login. It's kind of a hassle, but your system should remember the password so you won't have to enter it again for that server.

    very true Phil. very true....

    thanks for replying. I actually did not know about the "passwords and keys" application. that's a new one on me. I opened it up and sure enough, there were entries for the connections that I had already made. And yeah, it looks like I'll just need to enter the pwd (once) for each connection and after that it sticks. Kind of weird how when I connect PIA on windows or on my android phone, then it just uses the password that I enter once for all connection cities. I'll continue to tinker with it and report back if I find a way to set it up with only one pwd entry.

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