In 14.04 LTS, Remmina can connect to VNC over an existing tunnel but seems not able to create its own tunnel. If I launch a VNC server on a remote machine and forward the appropriate ports,
ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 xx.xx.xx.xx 'x11vnc -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -localhost -display :0 -noxdamage -ncache 10'
then I can connect with Remmina to VNC as localhost:0
However, if I do not create the tunnel in advance,
ssh xx.xx.xx.xx 'x11vnc -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -localhost -display :0 -noxdamage -ncache 10'
Then there is nothing that I can find (so far) that allows me to use Remmina to create the tunnel.
Protocol -> VNC
->Enable Tunnel
->Tunnel via loopback address
It asks for the SSH password, X11vnc shows that there is a connection, then Remmina asks for the VNC password, it accepts the password and briefly opens a window but closes it before anything can render. The VNC server says only 'viewer exited'
How can I get Remmina to connect with VNC over an SSH tunnel of its own creation?