Become a partner of the Semaine québécoise de l'informatique libre (SQIL) from Sept. 19 to Sept. 27, 2015 ! Hello Ubuntists Once again this year, FACIL invites the FLOSS community to organize activities (conferences, panels, meetups, workshops, hackathons, seminaries, demonstrations, etc.) everywhere in Québec as part of the Semaine québécoise de l'informatique libre (SQIL)! Since the initial call to participation of June 11 2015, an organizing team was formed and the construction of a public web site is underway at Today, we contact you directly to invite you to become a partner of the 2015 edition of the SQIL. Here is how you can participate to the success of this years' SQIL: 1. Organize your own activity Your activity will contribute to a 2015 SQIL that will be rich, diversified and representative of the whole community. You are important! To add your activity to the SQIL calendar, contact us by e-mail at or by phone at 1-844-443-2245. You are strongly encouraged to submit your activity before September 1st, date at which the SQIL calender is scheduled to be released. 2. Support an activity already announced Let us collaborate in order to present bigger activities that will better appeal to the general public! For the moment activities being prepared are listed here:é_FACIL_Médias/SQIL2015/Activités_en_préparation You wish to support an activity that is already in preparation? Simply contact the organizers and offer your help! 3. Support the 2015 SQIL directly You can support the SQIL directly as a partner/sponsor. Here is the 2015 sponsorship plan: A. Grands partenaires (2 x $500) Large-size clickable logo at the foot of the site Large-size clickable at the top of the "Partenaires" page on Logo printed on the 2015 SQIL posters (100 posters 12x18) The "grands partenaires" will be thanked as part of official communications B. Partenaires majeurs (5 x $200) Clickable logo in the "Partenaires majeurs" section of the "Partenaires" page on C. Microcommanditaires (10 x $100) Your name or the name of your business clickable in the "Microcommanditaires" section of the "Partenaires" page on D. Partenaires événements Clickable logo in the "Partenaires événements" section of the "Partenaires" page on Best Regards, François Pelletier for The SQIL team
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