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Thread: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    I've been working with a remote Ubuntu box for a bit, with only ssh shell access.

    I'm now trying to set up a VNC connection from my Win7 box to this Ubuntu box. I installed "tightvncserver" on the Ubuntu box and started it. I ran TightVNCViewer on my Win7 box. I connected to the VNC port and I got a display with a grey background, black "X" cursor, and an error dialog basically saying that a "~/.xsession" file was not found. I verified that ~/.xsession-errors on the remote box said the same thing.

    The error message is accurate. I don't have a ~/.xsession file. What should I have in this file to get me a working desktop environment?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Been there, meh.

    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    Not the answer you want, but I think it is a better solution.

    For remote access, most people I know are switching to x2go. It uses ssh tunnels for all traffic by default and the performance is 2-3x faster than either RDP or VNC options. There is a PPA, install the "server" on the remote system and the "client" on the local machine. On Windows, you may want to install some fonts too. People say x2go is like night and day compared to VNC. It uses ssh ports and credentials and completely honors the ~/.ssh/config settings (easy way to use non-standard ports or change userids).

    The only negative for some people is that 3D accel desktops like Unity are NOT supported. That means XFCE4 or LXDE or a plain WM need to be installed on the remote box. Those are just 2-3 min, so not a big deal.

    I don't have a .xsession - either. Did you startup the vnc-server process with appropriate settings? might help.

    Some places only allow localhost connections to VNC, so people are forced to use ssh tunnels to make a connection. explains the ssh/vnc options.

    I really hope you'll consider x2go. There are clients for Windows, OSX and Linux. It really does work well and faster than other alternatives for internet remote desktops. For LAN remote desktops, people are switching to Spice, but I think that required using KVM and virtualization.
    Last edited by TheFu; July 13th, 2015 at 02:32 PM. Reason: s/#d/3d/

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    What are the contents of your ~/.vnc/xstartup file on the remote machine? I don't recall tightvnc looking for a ~/.xsession... unless ~/.vnc/xstartup tells it to do so?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    Here's my ~/.vnc/xstartup file:
    xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
    xsetroot -solid grey
    #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
    #x-window-manager &
    # Fix to make GNOME work
    Looks like it has "placeholders" for a terminal window and window manager.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2015

    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFu View Post
    Not the answer you want, but I think it is a better solution.

    For remote access, most people I know are switching to x2go. It uses ssh tunnels for all traffic by default and the performance is 2-3x faster than either RDP or VNC options. There is a PPA, install the "server" on the remote system and the "client" on the local machine. On Windows, you may want to install some fonts too. People say x2go is like night and day compared to VNC. It uses ssh ports and credentials and completely honors the ~/.ssh/config settings (easy way to use non-standard ports or change userids).


    I really hope you'll consider x2go. There are clients for Windows, OSX and Linux. It really does work well and faster than other alternatives for internet remote desktops. For LAN remote desktops, people are switching to Spice, but I think that required using KVM and virtualization.
    Thanks, but I can't really justify looking for an alternate solution for increased performance when I haven't even gotten the first solution to run yet. I need to walk before I can run. Nevertheless, I'll look at some info on this just so I know something about it.

  6. #6
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    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    Completely understand - x2go really is 10x easier to get working, however.

    You don't want that /etc/X11/Xsession in the xstartup - call a WM that is installed there instead. I use
    /usr/bin/fvwm & or /usr/bin/openbox & at the end. Bet it will work - provided the program(s) is/are installed.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
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    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    That looks like the kind of xstartup you'd want if you were running it in a old school configuration where you logged into local sessions with just a console and then manually started a GUI session using startx, and you want VNC to start the same GUI session remotely as locally

    In a more typical modern setup, the local GUI session is determined at login time via a display manager such as lightdm or gdm, and users typically don't have a ~/.xsession file. In that case, it's more usual to initiate a session directly in the xstartup file. There is an example of a custom xstartup file in the community wiki that you can use and modify NB the ubuntu-2d session is probably no longer a valid session type post 12.04, you will need to choose a session type that is actually installed on your remote system

    FYI here is one that I use (avoiding Ubuntu/gnome sessions altogether - I find that lighter desktops work better for me): it tries for an XFCE4 session, dropping through to LXDE then plain OpenBox if necessary and finally to a default terminal emulator / window manager as an absolute last fallback

    #Uncommment this line if using Gnome and your keyboard mappings are incorrect.
    # Load X resources (if any)
    if [ -r "$HOME/.Xresources" ]; then
      xrdb "$HOME/.Xresources"
    case $MODE in
            if which startxfce4 > /dev/null; then
                    exec startxfce4
            if which startlxde > /dev/null; then
                    exec startlxde
            if which openbox-session > /dev/null; then
                    exec openbox-session
            echo "Falling back to default minimal X session"
    xsetroot -solid "#DAB082"
    x-terminal-emulator -geometry "80x24+10+10" -ls -title " Desktop" &
    x-window-manager &
    Of course if you do want to do the oldschool setup, you could just leave your ~/.vnc/xstartup as-is, and create a minimal ~/.xsession file: one that I've used in the past for a plain Lubuntu session is simply

    lxsession -e LXDE -s Lubuntu
    TBH I don't know the difference between running startlxde versus simply invoking an lxsession - don't rely on what I've done as "best practice"

  8. #8
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    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    Shouldn't that be "exec /usr/bin/fvwm" or "exec /usr/bin/openbox"?

  9. #9
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    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    steeldriver, I'm not sure how to interpret much of that information. It's not clear to me that I need something more complex than what I have. I thought what I'd come up with so far was working fine, although there is one big problem with it, which I'll describe here.

    My current "xstartup" looks like this:
    xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
    xsetroot -solid grey
    #x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
    #x-window-manager &
    # Fix to make GNOME work
    exec /usr/bin/fvwm
    #exec /usr/bin/openbox
    I installed xterm and fvwm, and now when this starts up, I can select xterm from the context menu and then run the GUI application I've been trying to get to all this time (virt-manager). I suppose I could put "/usr/bin/xterm &" in the xstartup, but that's not a problem.

    After working with this for a while, I discovered a very annoying symptom. I moved away from my Windows TightVNCViewer client to do other things for a minute, and when I returned to the TightVNCViewer window again, it was just a grey screen. The applications are still running, their windows have just disappeared. In fact, I saw this happen just now when I created another xterm and then moved my cursor to another app on my Windows desktop. I saw the xterm window disappear. I then went back to it and created another xterm and did "ps -elf | grep xterm", and I saw the other xterm process there (several, now).

    is this a fvwm problem, or a TightVNCViewer problem?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Windows->Ubuntu VNC connection fails because of no .xsession file

    Note that when I select the "Restart fvwm" option from the context menu, I briefly see all the windows that I had created, but most of them go away after a fraction of a second.

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