Procedure for thread closure (locking). When should locking be used? Locking is a tool of last resort to employed when all other means have failed or the threat to the integrity of the forum or the interests of Ubuntu/CC are severe and imminent. What means should be tried prior to locking? PM's warning involved parties. Requests within the thread that postings be kept with guidelines. Specific guidelines should be cited. Selective removal of offending posts. Moving the thread to the backyard. Any combination of the proceeding and/or additional actions as needed and allowed by the guidelines. What if none of the proceeding are sufficient to bring the thread into conformity with the guidelines? In that case, two or more moderators must agree to the closure. The thread will be closed and a brief note added, giving the reason for closure and citing the guideline(s) violated. Standard boilerplate will be appended to the closure note explaining how to appeal the locking. What if the threat of harm is so severe and imminent that there is not time to seek counsel with another moderator or what if no other moderator is available? If the threat of harm is extremely severe and imminent (for example death threats or posting of terrorist materials), a single moderator may lock a thread. She/he should then file a Report of Exception that is copied to all other moderators so they may decide if the unilateral action was justified. A notice that unilateral action was taken should be appended to the thread closure note. It is expected that this will be a rare occurrence.
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Comments? Questions? Care to tell me to get lost? [humor]I'm feeling a bit silly for posting this, having not received at least a, "off to jail for you!"[/humor] Paul
Sorry about that. The staff are currently looking at all the proposals that have been put forward this week. We should have responded here and I apologise for that .
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Originally Posted by KiwiNZ Sorry about that. The staff are currently looking at all the proposals that have been put forward this week. We should have responded here and I apologise for that . No worries. I was just afraid it was my breath. Paul
Ubuntu Forums Code of Conduct