Well this may Answer some of the FAQ's I have Been to Cyber Security Conferences and it is Quite Clear that Around DEC 2014 and Jan 2015 There were International Cyber Attacks on Practically Anything Weak Spots. Again My Yahoo Mail after being Infected was Blocked as it was spreading the Virus Offering A small amount of Money. Using gmail only partly solved Problem. My websites are still suffering Uncle Sam
Originally Posted by sam-c Well this may Answer some of the FAQ's I have Been to Cyber Security Conferences and it is Quite Clear that Around DEC 2014 and Jan 2015 There were International Cyber Attacks on Practically Anything Weak Spots. Again My Yahoo Mail after being Infected was Blocked as it was spreading the Virus Offering A small amount of Money. Using gmail only partly solved Problem. My websites are still suffering Uncle Sam How were you using yahoo mail? Was it set as a relay so any mail sent from your server would have to go thru it? If that was the case, they could have blacklisted your IP for spam, but we'd need more info to know for sure. Have you contacted yahoo support?
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Originally Posted by sam-c Well this may Answer some of the FAQ's I have Been to Cyber Security Conferences and it is Quite Clear that Around DEC 2014 and Jan 2015 There were International Cyber Attacks on Practically Anything Weak Spots. Again My Yahoo Mail after being Infected was Blocked as it was spreading the Virus Offering A small amount of Money. Using gmail only partly solved Problem. My websites are still suffering Uncle Sam This is not helpful? How are you accessing Yahoo Mail is it through Thunderbird or online - if its via web browser then it could be the plugins that you've downloaded some like for example on google chrome some extensions were removed due to key loggers, malware and other malicious software. Have you tried looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus plus https://www.getsafeonline.org/protec...s-and-spyware/
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