I'm using a USB as my medium of installing Elementary OS and whenever I try to install it or just try it without installing, it simply freezes at the pulsating "e" logo. Is this a known issue?
how did you make the usb? i suggest unetbootin. what version of eos? 12lts is nice, but the beta 14lts is just as usable.
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I used unetbootin, and the release with 20130810 in it's name, I'm not sure what version that is. Also when I am selecting the boot option I'm offered, "UEFI: USB" and "USB", neither work at the moment but for future reference, which should I select?
It's elementary OS Luna your are trying to boot, it's quite old and does not support a pc with UEFI elementary will be supporting UEFI from Freya beta2 and on, as I understand it. If your pc has UEFI, you could try my mini howto here and see if it works for you Ps. Please let us have your hardware specs too, makes it much easier to troubleshoot.
Last edited by Stinger; February 5th, 2015 at 05:55 PM.
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