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Thread: Mageia Control Center in Ubuntu?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Belgum - Antwerp

    Mageia Control Center in Ubuntu?

    Have been using Ubuntu/Fedora for several years now.
    Once saw Suse long long time ago.
    Now playing with Mageia.
    Guess what it has Mageia Control Center like MS Control Panel sort of.
    How is it even possible Ubuntu or other Distros dont have it?

    Is it so difficult to port?
    Different distros do have different Graphical Environments.
    But not this? How/why? More difficult to port? Anything else?

    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited by Sef; December 5th, 2014 at 07:09 PM. Reason: Changed to MS
    The truth will set you free!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Mageia Control Center in Ubuntu?

    It is like system settings in Ubuntu. It can be accessed from the dropdown menu by clicking the gear icon on the top right corner in Unity. Similar for gnome.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    London, England
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: Mageia Control Center in Ubuntu?

    How is it even possible Ubuntu or other Distros dont have it?
    The answer = different ways of thinking.

    Some developers think that by imitating the look of Microsoft Windows it will tempt Windows users to switch to Linux. It is true that many computer users do not like to learn new ways of doing the same things. And so we have three ways to save a file in a word processor. keyboard, drop down menu and an icon.

    Other developers do not want to imitate Microsoft. They want a different design. It is also true that many people are more familiar with the user interface of a mobile device than they are with what is called the "traditional" computer user interface. These kind of people may be more open to learning new ways of doing the same thing.

    And then there is the need to make a Linux distribution stand out as different from the rest of the Linux distributions.

    It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Belgum - Antwerp

    Re: Mageia Control Center in Ubuntu?

    i tought that linux was all about modularity and portability,
    that even if the default setup/collection is slightly different, you still are able to modify it to your liking,
    but looks like even so similar linux can be quite different to,
    but ok so be it then,
    then i guess i just have found a beter fit for me,

    actually makes perfect sense, since nowadays ubuntu is more of a sumething enbetween android and osx then what mageia is.

    and no, its not like system settings in ubuntu, its almost like yast, only somewhat simpler, what makes it even better.
    The truth will set you free!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Belgum - Antwerp

    Re: Mageia Control Center in Ubuntu?

    The truth will set you free!

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