Events in Toronto are converging to bring together three different organizations: LibrePlanet-Ontario LibrePlanet exist to promote the use of Free Software in the communities of Ontario and to support individuals who wish to use or create Free Software. The goals are similar to those of the Free Software Foundation. Recently one of LibrePlanet-Brazil's organizers, Sergio Durigan Jr. moved to Toronto and is now helping organize LibrePlanet-Ontario. Let's show him a warm Canadian welcome TorontoCrypto CryptoParty is a decentralized, global initiative to introduce the most basic cryptography software and the fundamental concepts of their operation to the general public. TorontoCrypto held a workshop on computer privacy and security software in July; let's practice those new skills by holding a GnuPG/PGP keysigning and extending the Web of Trust to the other organizations. Ubuntu Canada, Toronto chapter This weekend is the Ubuntu Global Jam, where the Ubuntu community unites to work together to improve Ubuntu. We've got some Ubuntu DVDs to give away; bring your laptop and try it out. Everyone is welcome to Afternoon Tea, whether or not you're affiliated with LibrePlanet, TorontoCrypto or Ubuntu Canada. Registration isn't required, but helps to plan the event: Register at Afternoon Tea on Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal or e-mail Bob Jonkman at What: Afternoon Tea with LibrePlanet-Ontario, TorontoCrypto and Ubuntu Canada When: Saturday, 13 September 2014 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm (iCal) Where: Alio Lounge, 108 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Map) Registration: Ubuntu Canada LoCo Team Portal or e-mail Bob Jonkman at
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