I am new to Ubuntu but am strong in Win 7 and am trying to find a way to use VNC or RDP to get to the main desktop on my Ubuntu 14 machine that you see when you log into the machine from the console. I can RDP to a "sub" desktop instance just fine but that isn't what I am looking for as I need to be able to remote control the active console that is hooked to a big screen entertainment center via an HDMIor VGA (whichever works best) connection. I am running a clean, fresh install of Ubuntu 14 with the latest patches on an Intel CPU Toshiba Satalite laptop with Dual Cores and 4 Gig RAM and 500 Gig drive space on an internal network over 5G WiFi and/or 1k gb eithernet. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance! Speedy "HeroHog" Mercer
Install dconf-editor: sudo apt-get install dconf-editor => Start it. Navigate to: org => gnome => desktop => remote-access => Disable "require-encryption"
OK, done. Now pardon my ignorance... Now what??? Also, when I edited that file and closed the app, the file "gnome-system-monitor.desktop" showed up on my desktop. What should be done with that file and is it a saved copy of the old version or what? Sorry for the clueless newbie questions but, Hey, ya gotta start somewhere! Speedy "Herohog" Mercer
Never mind. I figured out what I needed. I installed X11VNC and was able to use it along with TightVNC on my Win7 machine to access the primary desktop. Thanks for the help!
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