Hi. I'm not sure if this is very ambitious or has already been done.
I want to create a file server to serve a windows only environment based on Samba. It needs to have volume shadow copies, which I believe can be easily done in either lvm, btrfs or zfs (maybe more), but also windows full acl support. This works fine with the acl_xattr vfs module but I've read that it's not quite that straightforward if using, for example, ZFS. There's a thread here on acls :
At the end, a patch has been submitted - does this mean that it should work, has anyone experience with it, and what samba vfs module should I use, and what zfs settings should I set (if using zfs).
OR should I use btrfs? I'm not sure if it's still considered experimental, and that would make me nervous with 5000 people's files (work in a hospital).
The reasoning behind zfs / btrfs is that it's still rather hard, in my estimation, to extend the size of an lvm volume group - you can extend the partition of a physical disk underneath and create another partition, then add to the PV and VG, but it seems more tricky than even a basic resize of a native ext4 partition using fdisk, partprobe and resize2fs - but then I can't do snapshots!
Anyway, any thought gratefully accepted!