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Thread: How can I get Subliminal to work and then integrate it with a file system?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    How can I get Subliminal to work and then integrate it with a file system?

    I have downloaded Subliminal which is a program that downloads movie subtitles.But there are several problems: (1) when I test it at the console with a
    movie that I know has an English subtitle, I get an unsatisfactory response:
    alan@alan-Latitude-D530:~$ subliminal -l en la fin du jour.avi
    usage: subliminal -l LANGUAGE [LANGUAGE ...] [-s] [-c CACHE_FILE]
    [-p PROVIDER [PROVIDER ...]] [-m MIN_SCORE] [-a AGE] [-h]
    [-f] [--addic7ed-username USERNAME]
    [--addic7ed-password PASSWORD] [-q | -v]
    [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--color] [--debug] [--version]
    PATH [PATH ...]
    subliminal: error: too few arguments

    (2) I loaded a bash script into Nautilus so that I could download subtitles by a right-click on a movie file instead of having to go to a console. But I could not get a successful download!:
    # NAME: Get_subtitles
    # AUTHOR: (c) 2014 Glutanimate
    # DEPENDENCIES: subiminal (
    # LICENSE: MIT license (


    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    subliminal "$MOVIE" -l "$LANGUAGE"

    (3) Finally,In another attempt to download the subtitle with a right-click on the movie file, I opened Thunar File Management and loaded a command into its Custom Action:
    subliminal -f -l en --%N
    Alas, this did not work either!

    My objective here is:
    (1) make sure that Subliminal actually is working i.e.downloads subtitles
    (2) integrate Subliminal with a file system so that it operates with a right-click on a movie file without have to work at the terminal

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: How can I get Subliminal to work and then integrate it with a file system?

    Try first with simple command like:

    subliminal -l en Name_Of_The_Movie_file.mkv
    Then more complex command like:

    subliminal -m 0 -l en fi --addic7ed-username <username> --addic7ed-password <password> -- Name_Of_The_Movie_file.mkv
    Those are working just fine for me!

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