first of all, sorry for my poor english. I'm a french student.
I'm here in order to show you a little application i've made: google2ubuntu.
It's a tool that let you use the Google voice recognition api to control you pc. I began to work on it at the beginning of 2012. Unfortunnaly, I've concentrated myself on my studies. Now, I can work.
Now the tool work quite well, it's use is very simple. It records your voice during 5 secondes then sends it to Google (In Python). Google brings you the traduction. In order to manage commands, I've made a little gui (also in Python). For the moment, it's ready for french language. I hope to begin the traduction in english during this week.
When the traduction will end, I'm going to post all technical details about how it work, how to write a module.
The project is available here : https://github.com/benoitfragit/google2ubuntu
The project began here: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=804211&p=1
I've posted some videos:
Some screenshots here: