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Thread: tint2 panel and applets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    tint2 panel and applets

    I've installed tint2 but I don't see certain "applets" (other than those for Dropbox, nm-applet, and the xfce4 power manager).

    If I use lxpanel instead of tint2, I see additionally a CPU usage monitor, temperature monitor, and volume indicator.

    This is on Lubuntu 13.10.

    Can these applets be made to appear in a tint2 panel? I found a post from Jan 2010 suggesting that tint2 was limited in this respect.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    Quote Originally Posted by vasa1 View Post
    I've installed tint2 but I don't see certain "applets" (other than those for Dropbox, nm-applet, and the xfce4 power manager).

    If I use lxpanel instead of tint2, I see additionally a CPU usage monitor, temperature monitor, and volume indicator.

    This is on Lubuntu 13.10.

    Can these applets be made to appear in a tint2 panel? I found a post from Jan 2010 suggesting that tint2 was limited in this respect.
    The additional applets you see are plugins specific to lxpanel and are not shown in the systray.
    Some of the unity indicators work with tint2, but use synaptic when installing as a lot of them want to pull in unwanted stuff.
    Indicator-multiload works.

    What I do is configure tint2 to use half the screen and a matching conky for the other half to show system info.
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  3. #3
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    Dec 2007

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    Quote Originally Posted by stinkeye View Post
    What I do is configure tint2 to use half the screen and a matching conky for the other half to show system info.
    Wow! That's a neat idea. Most of the other Conky images I've seen are quite elaborate and "tabular". Since I'm using a laptop, all I want in addition to what tint2 does by default is to keep an eye on
    CPU usage (and temperature). Re. temperature, I don't know how the lxpanel one does it but I didn't have to install lmsensors at all.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2008

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    Quote Originally Posted by vasa1 View Post
    Wow! That's a neat idea. Most of the other Conky images I've seen are quite elaborate and "tabular". Since I'm using a laptop, all I want in addition to what tint2 does by default is to keep an eye on
    CPU usage (and temperature). Re. temperature, I don't know how the lxpanel one does it but I didn't have to install lmsensors at all.
    The tint2rc allows you to specify the length in %.
    # Panel
    panel_monitor = all
    panel_position = top left horizontal
    panel_size = 80% 34
    panel_margin = 0 0
    panel_padding = 0 0 4
    panel_dock = 0
    wm_menu = 1
    panel_layer = top
    panel_background_id = 0
    You could make that 80% then have an lxpanel using the other 20% just to show what you need.

  5. #5
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    Dec 2007

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    Quote Originally Posted by stinkeye View Post
    ... You could make that 80% then have an lxpanel using the other 20% just to show what you need.

    First I'll try to get what you showed in your image: tint2 + conky. That seems more fun with a bit of learning involved. Plus conky is showing the same temp as I'm seeing with the lxpanel temperature plugin. So no need for lmsensors.

    The script is a total copy-paste of this one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    Quote Originally Posted by vasa1 View Post

    First I'll try to get what you showed in your image: tint2 + conky. That seems more fun with a bit of learning involved. Plus conky is showing the same temp as I'm seeing with the lxpanel temperature plugin. So no need for lmsensors.

    The script is a total copy-paste of this one.
    Here's my tint2rc and .conkyrc. May help you to configure.

    The clock section left click launches AltYo (a drop-down terminal emulator)
    # Tint2 config file
    # Generated by tintwizard (
    # For information on manually configuring tint2 see
    # Background definitions
    # ID 1
    rounded = 0
    border_width = 1
    background_color = #2D2D2D 84
    border_color = #ACBACE 100
    # ID 2
    rounded = 4
    border_width = 1
    background_color = #323E72 84
    border_color = #ACBACE 100
    # Panel
    panel_monitor = all
    panel_position = top left horizontal
    panel_size = 55% 34
    panel_margin = 0 0
    panel_padding = 0 0 4
    panel_dock = 0
    wm_menu = 1
    panel_layer = top
    panel_background_id = 0
    # Panel Autohide
    autohide = 0
    autohide_show_timeout = 0.3
    autohide_hide_timeout = 2
    autohide_height = 5
    strut_policy = follow_size
    # Taskbar
    taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
    taskbar_padding = 0 0 6
    taskbar_background_id = 1
    taskbar_active_background_id = 2
    # Tasks
    urgent_nb_of_blink = 8
    task_icon = 1
    task_text = 0
    task_centered = 1
    task_maximum_size = 32 32
    task_padding = 2 2
    task_background_id = 0
    task_active_background_id = 2
    task_urgent_background_id = 0
    task_iconified_background_id = 0
    # Task Icons
    task_icon_asb = 100 0 0
    task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 0
    task_urgent_icon_asb = 100 0 0
    task_iconified_icon_asb = 40 0 0
    # Fonts
    task_font = Sans 9
    task_font_color = #FFFFFF 60
    task_active_font_color = #FFFFFF 80
    task_urgent_font_color = #FFFFFF 80
    task_iconified_font_color = #FFFFFF 60
    font_shadow = 0
    # System Tray
    systray = 1
    systray_padding = 2 2 4
    systray_sort = ascending
    systray_background_id = 1
    systray_icon_size = 20
    systray_icon_asb = 70 0 0
    # Clock
    time1_format = %l:%M %P
    time1_font = Sans 11
    clock_font_color = #BEBEBE 100
    clock_tooltip = %a %d %b
    clock_padding = 0 0
    clock_background_id = 1
    clock_lclick_command = altyo --toggle
    clock_rclick_command =  
    # Tooltips
    tooltip = 1
    tooltip_padding = 2 2
    tooltip_show_timeout = 0.7
    tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.3
    tooltip_background_id = 1
    tooltip_font = Sans 10
    tooltip_font_color = #FFFFFF 100
    # Mouse
    mouse_middle = none
    mouse_right = close
    mouse_scroll_up = toggle
    mouse_scroll_down = iconify
    # Battery
    battery = 0
    battery_low_status = 10
    battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
    battery_hide = 0
    bat1_font = Sans 8
    bat2_font = Sans 8
    battery_font_color = #FFFFFF 100
    battery_padding = 3 1
    battery_background_id = 1
    # End of config

    This is the basic form for my screen size of 1680x1050.
    I've removed everything below "TEXT" and just put in a sample line to show how it works.
    ## Use XFT? Required to Force UTF8 (see below).
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Ubuntu:bold:size=10
    xftalpha 0.8
    text_buffer_size 1024
    ## Force UTF8? Requires XFT (see above).
    ## Displays degree symbol, instead of °, etc.
    override_utf8_locale yes
    ## Daemonize Conky, aka 'fork to background'.
    background no
    ## Update interval in seconds.
    update_interval 1.0
    ## This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    ## Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    ## Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)?
    own_window yes
    own_window_colour 2D2D2D  # 252525
    own_window_title panelconky
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_transparent no
    own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,above
    default_color ACBACE
    #own_window_argb_visual yes
    #own_window_argb_value 0
    ## Use double buffering? Reduces flicker.
    double_buffer yes
    ## Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    default_shade_color 000000
    ## Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    #default_outline_color 000000
    ## Draw borders around text?
    draw_borders yes
    ## Draw borders around graphs?
    draw_graph_borders no
    ## Print text to stdout?
    ## Print text in console?
    out_to_ncurses no
    out_to_console no
    ## Text alignment.
    alignment tr
    ## Minimum size of text area.
    minimum_size 748 30
    maximum_width 748
    ## Gap between text and screen borders.
    gap_x 2
    gap_y 2
    ## Shorten MiB/GiB to M/G in stats.
    short_units yes
    ## Pad % symbol spacing after numbers.
    pad_percents 0
    ## Pad spacing between text and borders.
    border_inner_margin 0
    border_outer_margin 0
    border_width 2
    ## Limit the length of names in "Top Processes".
    top_name_width 10
    ## Subtract file system -/+buffers/cache from used memory?
    ## Set to yes, to produce meaningful physical memory stats.
    no_buffers yes
    ## Set to yes, if you want all text to be in UPPERCASE.
    uppercase no
    ## Number of cpu samples to average.
    ## Set to 1 to disable averaging.
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    ## Number of net samples to average.
    ## Set to 1 to disable averaging.
    net_avg_samples 2
    ## Add spaces to keep things from moving around?
    ## Only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer right
    ## My colors (suit yourself).
    color0 White
    color1 Ivory
    color2 Ivory2
    color3 Ivory3
    color4 FF4040
    color5 FBE6B7 #text colour
    color6 Gray
    color7 AntiqueWhite4
    color8 F9A41E
    #color9 red
    color9 6A90EF #icon
    ### Temps using nvidia or nouveau 
    # ${font GE Inspira:bold:size=10}${execpi 5 sensors nouveau-pci-0100 | grep temp1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c2-3 | xargs /home/glen/conky/ColorTemp/}°C
    # ${font GE Inspira:bold:size=10}${execpi 5 nvidia-settings -t -q GPUCoreTemp | xargs /home/glen/conky/ColorTemp/}°C
    #lua_load ~/conky/lua/bargraph_smallcpu-OB.lua
    #lua_draw_hook_post main_bars
    ${goto 10}${voffset 5}CPUTemp: ${color green}$command to give temp ${goto 270}${color}MEM: ${color green}$command to give mem usage ${font}
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    Last edited by stinkeye; January 16th, 2014 at 01:26 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    Quote Originally Posted by stinkeye View Post
    Here's my tint2rc and .conkyrc. May help you to configure.
    I've got what I think I need for Conky:
    Temp: ${acpitemp} MyCPU: ${execi 30 ps -eo %C --sort -%cpu | awk 'NR==2'}
    Now I'll go through your code to try to get everything into one line (and possibly prettier).

    Is there a resource that explains conky terms the way this one helps with tint2?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    The man page is your best bet.
    In the conkyrc....
    Above "TEXT" for how conky displays......SETTINGS
    Below "TEXT" for what conky displays......OBJECTS/VARIABLES

    Lots of resources here....
    and for help, our very own...
    Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots
    Last edited by stinkeye; January 16th, 2014 at 01:23 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: tint2 panel and applets

    I think I'm all set. I'll try this code:
    cpu (cpuN)
    CPU usage in percents. For SMP machines, the CPU number can
    be provided as an argument. ${cpu cpu0} is the total usage,
    and ${cpu cpuX} (X >= 1) are individual CPUs.
    from the conky man page instead of what I mentioned earlier if it's more "economical".

    @stinkeye, thanks for the pointers
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