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Thread: LOCO Activity??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    NC, USA

    LOCO Activity??

    Hi all,

    I'm in the Raleigh area and am wondering if anyone here is still active anymore? I tried to check in to the online meeting on Freenode Wednesday evening, monitored for an hour, but saw no activity there. I did find conflicting information on the LOCO site as to when the meetings were supposed to occur. The main wiki page said the 1st Wed of each month at 7pm, and the 'about us' said the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month. I'm confused.

    I hope someone is still monitoring here, however it appears that there have been no new messages here in a while.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    got root?

    Re: LOCO Activity??

    Hi Bill,

    There was alot of activity going on a while back. People are still round... we're all just dealing with life. The NC Loco is generally pretty spread out, so coordinating get togethers can be challenging to produce a decent turn-out. There are still monthly meetings in Asheville, it's less Buntu-specific and more general Linux Users... Search for Firestorm Asheville and you should find a calendar of events. It's usually first Saturday of the month.

    If I remeber correctly there were a handful of people in the Raleigh area. Not sure if any of them monitor the forums, there is also a NC Loco group on Facebook and that would probably be a better medium to find people that are local to you area.

    Good Luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    NC, USA

    Re: LOCO Activity??

    Hey thanks for the response.

    I was beginning to think I was the only one in here. I did some searching locally and found that there is a local linux based group (Trilug) which meets monthly at NCSUs Centennial Campus. I was hoping for a more Debian/Ubuntu specific group, however after reviewing their page it appears that there may be some Debian/*buntu users there as well. I sure would like to see more regional activity with the group here. I tried the online chat at the beginning of the month but there was no activity there. I guess we'll give the local guys a try.

    Hopefully things will get going here again at some point.



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