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Thread: Timer Bash Script Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Timer Bash Script Questions

    I have found the following script online for a simple timer script:

    #!/usr/bin/wish -f
        set intime [lindex $argv 0]
        set intimeI [expr $intime * 60]    
          proc countdown {seconds} {
              countdown_kernel $seconds
          proc countdown_kernel seconds {
              hands $seconds
              if !$seconds return
              after 1000
    [list countdown_kernel [incr seconds -1]]
          proc draw_hand {angle decorations} {
              eval .c create line $::size $::size [get_xy $angle] $decorations
          proc end_coordinate difference {
              set hand_length [expr $::size * .9]
              return [expr $::size + $hand_length * $difference]
          proc get_xy angle {
    [list [end_coordinate [expr sin($angle)]] \
                           [end_coordinate [expr -cos($angle)]]]
          proc hands seconds {
              catch {.c delete withtag hands}
              set twopi 6.283185
              set seconds_angle [expr $seconds * $twopi / 60.]
              draw_hand $seconds_angle "-width 1 -tags hands"
              set minutes_angle [expr $seconds_angle / 60.]
              draw_hand $minutes_angle \
                           "-width 3 -capstyle projecting -tags hands"
          proc init {} {
              catch {destroy .c}
              set ::size 90
              set full_diameter [expr 2 * $::size]
              pack [canvas .c -width $full_diameter -height $full_diameter]
              set border 2
              set diameter [expr 2 * $::size - $border]
              .c create oval $border $border \
                             $diameter $diameter \
                             -fill darkred -outline gold  
          proc helw {} {
                  wm title . "TIME IS UP!"
                   button .bHello -text "Times Up!" -command exit
                   pack .bHello
                   exec play ~/sounds/doh.wav &
          countdown $intimeI 
        after [expr $intimeI * 1000]  helw   
    #      puts stdout "Time is $intimeI"
    a. I have just called it "Timer" I have chmod the script:
    glenn@design:~/Desktop$ sudo chmod 775 Timer
    glenn@design:~/Desktop$ ls -al Timer
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 glenn glenn 1941 Oct 25 02:15 Timer
    Is that correct?

    b. How do I change the timer to run in seconds rather than minutes?
    c. When I try to run the script, I get the following error:
    glenn@design:~/Desktop$ sh Timer
    Timer: 5: Timer: proc: not found
    init: Need to be root
    Timer: 7: Timer: countdown_kernel: not found
    Timer: 8: Timer: Syntax error: "}" unexpected
    I do't want to run the script as root.

    Can someone please help.

  2. #2

    Re: Timer Bash Script Questions

    Simple non-root bash countdown timer:
    MIN=1 && for i in $(seq $(($MIN*60)) -1 1); do echo -en "Launch in $i \r"; sleep 1; done; echo -e "nnMessage"
    Hope that helps.
    Windows assumes the user is an idiot.
    Linux demands proof.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Timer Bash Script Questions

    if it's a wish script (as indicated by the first line #!/usr/bin/wish) don't run it with sh - that's why you're getting the 'run as root' error message, the dash shell thinks you're trying to execute the SYSTEM init function instead of the Tcl init in the script - just invoke it as

    in the directory where it's located

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Timer Bash Script Questions

    Ok, I changed the /wish -f so the system didn't think it was a function call, and changed the first line to #!/bin/bash and renamed the file Timer2.

    When I run it, I get:

    glenn@design:~/Desktop$ ./Timer2
    ./Timer2: line 5: proc: command not found
    init: Need to be root
    ./Timer2: line 7: countdown_kernel: command not found
    ./Timer2: line 8: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
    ./Timer2: line 8: `      }'
    Does the 'proc' mean the script is trying to initiate a system function (guessing here) that it doesn't have permission to run? And has the removal of '/wish -f' removed that permission, or just made it so the system doesn't understand what follows, such as the errors below?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Timer Bash Script Questions

    It is not a bash script - it's a wish script (a completely different language) -->

    You can't just magic it into a bash script by changing the shebang

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Timer Bash Script Questions

    If only it was all that easy. I've never heard of wish before. Thanks for the link.
    Easy to fix, just delete Timer 2 and use Timer again.

    Question. Whe I created Timer2 with #!/bin/bash, the icon on the desktop (where I have the file, changed into, whatever you call it, a bin file, or whatever. The Timer2 file just looks like a normal file. Even though I have chmod it to 775

    -rwxrwxr-x 1 glenn glenn 1941 Oct 25 04:34 Timer

    Shouldn't it have the same icon as the Timer2 file had?

    When I run ./Timer, I get:

    glenn@design:~/Desktop$ ./Timer
    Error in startup script: missing operand at _@_
    in expression "_@_* 60"
        (parsing expression "* 60")
        invoked from within
    "expr $intime * 60"
        invoked from within
    "set intimeI [expr $intime * 60]	"
        (file "./Timer" line 3)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Timer Bash Script Questions

    Ahhh, its a Windowing Shell. Alright, it makes a bit of sense now. SO all those procs are to draw things on the screen and start a system timer to make them all move right.

    And of course, it would be, with those instructions on hands and stuff. duh.

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