Anybody here been able to get dclock to honor it's geometry options? The man page is absurdly vague about the syntax. Usually I solve that problem by Startpaging (sorta like googling, without the evil) the program name and "examples" but no joy in this case. I did find some examples of use of the geomenty options but they were inconsistent (which is a virtue if it means the program isn't picky) and more importantly, none of them worked for me. For me, in Lubuntu 13.04, 32 bit, dclock starts maximised no matter what I tell it. I've tried invoking in a script following the dclock command with wmcntrl commands but the script opens dclock, which seems to work normally, but never moves on to issue the wmcntrl commands. So I tried using a master script to call another script containing the dclock command and THEN issue the wmctrl commands as the next step in the master script but IT hung after the other script started dclock. Is dclock somehow stunning bash into catalepsy or what? Dclock WILL resopond to wmctrl commands though, if I issue them ftom lxterminal. I have to issue a toggle mode command and then it will respond to the size/position command. For anyone not familiar with Lubuntu, I should point out I'm using Openbox as a window manager. Any ideas would be appreciated.