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Thread: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Lightbulb Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project


    StartUbuntu Project is a Project for ALL Ubuntu Communities (Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu Studio, Edubuntu, Mythubuntu and UbuntuKylin) and the one and only aim is to introduce the best choice for Windows XP Users and make their migration to Linux as smooth and easy as possible. It is a Community Project that IMHO, everyone should be part of this and spread the word, just as we used to do. After all, as a Linux User, you may want to give back something for Linux. What could be better than this?

    Windows XP EOL will be April, 2014. There is no much time left. There are some users who have joined already (as this is not a recent project) and they are contributing already but the more, the better. Each user of any Ubuntu Flavour needs to promote for his best flavour and invite his Windows XP Friends to have a look at Linux and that Linux is Ubuntu or any official Flavour and we do know for a fact that Ubuntu and its official flavours are simply the best

    Artwork (banner) is done by Rafael, Lubuntu Artwork Team Leader who is helping a lot with this project but creating such amazing banners and artwork which is needed.

    Thank you!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    I'm not sure that the current version Ubuntu is suitable for all old windows XP machines. Yes it will run, but very slowly. P4 and below would be barely useable, even with Lubuntu or Xbuntu which both have a high overhead. A big part of that is that tabbed browsers use alot of memory. When XP came out there were no tabbed browsers, so people browsed the web more sensibly.

    In my opinion now is the time to start getting rid of the old PC's. Maybe giving them to people in poor countries is an option, but not for anything in the first world.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    Some people have not the money to spend on a new computer. Others may have the money, but want to spend it on other things.

    And John_McCourt, you mentioned a method, how to browse the internet with old hardware. Use only one tab in the browser!

    Have a look at this link, Old hardware, that describes the practical limit for useful old hardware and several tips what to do.

    If the computer is to be converted to a single boot Ubuntu flavour system, the One Button Installer is a good option.

  4. #4
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    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    Hello and welcome to Ubuntu Forums

    Thank you for posting!

    Quote Originally Posted by John_McCourt View Post
    I'm not sure that the current version Ubuntu is suitable for all old windows XP machines.
    While indeed the campaign called StartUbuntu but if you take a look at the Wiki Page, you will find that we are actually offering more than one option if Ubuntu can't be installed, there are other alternatives

    Both work on old machines.

    Yes it will run, but very slowly.
    We have no idea what kind of machines those users are having. May I remind you that so many users could have good hardware but they insist to use Windows XP for some reason (for them, they just love it). So, if Ubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, etc will not work on that hardware, we do have Lubuntu and Xubuntu

    P4 and below would be barely useable, even with Lubuntu or Xbuntu which both have a high overhead.
    Being an active tester for both of what you mentioned for the last 3 years, I have never ever faced any issue with these machines and yes, I have two different machines, both with P4 and yes, one of them have even less than 512MB RAM and yes, even on 256MB RAM, Lubuntu worked

    Let's remember something. It depends on what you are doing. Of course, if you are willing to open 10 tabs, you obviously need a machine that can handle that so it has nothing to do with the system you use in that case.

    And, with old machine and low RAM, there is a bit of a trick:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install zram-config

    Lubuntu 13.10 by default will be shipped with that option installed.

    A big part of that is that tabbed browsers use alot of memory.
    No doubt about that

    When XP came out there were no tabbed browsers, so people browsed the web more sensibly.
    True but yet again, no one knows what kind of hardware they have? guessing they didn't upgrade their machines (hardware) and they are using +10 years old machines, all of those users? is, IMHO, incorrect and wrong guess.

    In my opinion now is the time to start getting rid of the old PC's.
    I disagree
    If it is not broken, why to get rid of it?

    Maybe giving them to people in poor countries is an option, but not for anything in the first world.
    Not really off-topic but what really makes the poor people in poor countries less humans than those living in rich countries? humans are humans and everyone should be treated equally and even though you want to send that to the poor countries, what system are you proposing to be installed? XP? the outdated forsaken version of Microsoft? hmm, I don't think so

    If you are suggesting to get rid of these machines (very old machines), then no one should use it.
    There are 5-6 years old machines can be sent to the poor people.


  5. #5
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    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project


    Some planning tips:

    First, remember the audience that this effort is aimed at, i.e. it's not for hard core linux/ubuntu fans but windows XP users? Since there still on XP, that suggests that something has prevented them from upgrading?
    What are the requirements that is driving your effort? Suggest you focus on 5 items as key success factors.
    What outcome are you expecting from this effort?

  6. #6
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    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    i have very old 1,2Ghz notebook with 20 GB HDD and 256MB ram. while it was "designed for windows xp" and Win XP does run after installing a few SP and updates it barely moves. 10 minutes to boot. crashes... i've put Chrunchbang on it and it flies. 30 sec to boot it had better battery life etc.... anyway lubuntu also ran nicely and so does AntiX. i think the notebook is really from 2001 or 2002. so 11, 12 yeas... it was a given laptop and at the time it was needed and proved as a good solution without spending any additional money.

    i myself bough a new mashcine but with perhaps a bit dated components arround 2005 or 2006 and then i upgraded it only slightly (had to use the motherboard on another computer). For the most part it had 2 GB ram but now has 4 GB. it is still runing on windows XP and doea everyhting i need to do. my biggest mistake at the time is not getting a more powerful CPU as i planned ot get one later on but they didn't sell them anymore when i had some money left. anyway it's an Athlon64 CPU, with 4 GB ram and plenty disk space. and older GPU provides some excitement in games. nothing special really.

    why would i be giving it away? it works, it does what i need it to do, i can surf internet with multiple tabs (not that i need more than 4 or 5 open becuase i can't read 20 pages at the same time), i can play games from 2007-2010 sometimes even more later titles (as long as they are not too demanding)... to get a new midrange computer i would need to invest at least 500, 600 EUR if not more. so why not just free up some disk space and put linux on that? Kubuntu runs so fast on it i can barely keep up with it.

    i can still use XP for games and a few windows programmes i might need. i can get a lot for 500 EUR here. for example i add a bit money to this amount and can get a nice child room or something.

    i also inherited about half of computer with winXP (the motherboard didn't support the full freqency of CPU). so i bought a few extra components (cheapest CPU and mobo with compatible ram and AGP slots) attached disk to it and stuck Kubuntu on it. it runs like a charm (well appart from the sound issue that got screwed by ubuntu updates). again it works and is fast engouh that i can have plenty KDE desktop effects turned on. why would i throw those perfectly good componets aways for about 100 EUR at the time i got a computer with new motherboard, descent GPU and an OK CPU.

    i think part of the problem in PC sales is that about 5 or 6 years ago most mashcines were just good enough for most people. they were powerfull enough and cheap enough. new ones have faster GPU, CPU more RAM but that are not that much faster. they are just not like it was in 90's when every 1 or 2 years you had a 2 times faster CPU. i checked some benchmarking sites and i see many of what is sold today in mid range is only 2x as fast as my single core CPU. ok maybe a bit more. but not that much more. which explains why i can run quite a few of new games on such old mashicne.
    Read the easy to understand, lots of pics Ubuntu manual.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    Quote Originally Posted by makitso View Post
    Hi makitso,

    Long time no see

    Some planning tips:

    First, remember the audience that this effort is aimed at, i.e. it's not for hard core linux/ubuntu fans but windows XP users?
    Solely and Purely, this is aimed for Windows XP Users, for the time being
    If this campaign will make any success, we can go even further but for now, Mission 1 is to reach to as many Windows XP Users as possible and offer them something they have never heard nor dreamed about.

    Since there still on XP, that suggests that something has prevented them from upgrading?
    Yes, most likely, here is why:

    1- They have never ever heard about Linux
    2- They have heard about Linux but because the lack of beginner support, they perhaps had tried it and decided to stay with Windows.
    3- They don't really care whether Windows XP will no longer be supported or not so they will keep using it - yes, I am serious, I know some
    4- They will listen to Microsoft and either buy new hardware or go for upgrade to Windows 7 or Windows 8

    The first 2 groups are easy target.
    The last 2 groups are a bit hard, specially type 3. However, nothing is impossible

    What are the requirements that is driving your effort?
    There is one and only thing that is driving me, that is Linux. Linux should not be kept on desks inside laptops or PC, Linux MUST be around the world, everywhere. That is my personal opinion and that is something I'd like to achieve.

    Suggest you focus on 5 items as key success factors.
    Hm, but this is not a personal project and its success of failure will back to me, this is a huge community project that, IMHO, most if not everyone should really participate in, that of course if he/she is willing to spread Linux and not just using it

    What outcome are you expecting from this effort?
    One and only outcome = Windows XP Users (whether 1% of them or 99% of them - does not matter IMHO) to drop Windows once and for all and StartUbuntu

    That is all in mind right now!

    Thanks a lot

  8. #8
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    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    Quote Originally Posted by John_McCourt View Post
    I'm not sure that the current version Ubuntu is suitable for all old windows XP machines. Yes it will run, but very slowly. P4 and below would be barely useable, even with Lubuntu or Xbuntu which both have a high overhead. A big part of that is that tabbed browsers use alot of memory. When XP came out there were no tabbed browsers, so people browsed the web more sensibly.

    In my opinion now is the time to start getting rid of the old PC's. Maybe giving them to people in poor countries is an option, but not for anything in the first world.
    in my home there are 2 hp mini110's, a whitebox , 2 hp 5000 series towers and an emachines. all of the p4 class dual core, with 1 -3 gb of ram. they all do very well with mint 13 . I run firefox as the default with crome and epiphany as alternates. and the mate desktop. I also maintain several others all with mint 13 with no problems. 3 of them former windows users and two that are owned by 11 year olds with the edubuntu packages added. They took off wiht them and havent looked back.
    The only dumb question is the one not asked.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lightbulb Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    You can run Lubuntu on 128 MB of RAM with a Celeron processor, so I highly doubt any Windows XP machine would be low-spec enough for Lubuntu to be heavy on.

    That said, I don't really know that many people still running Windows XP. Lots of Windows 7. Some Vista. Some just switched over to Mac.

  10. #10
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    Re: Say Goodbye to Windows XP - StartUbuntu Project

    Quote Originally Posted by aysiu View Post
    You can run Lubuntu on 128 MB of RAM with a Celeron processor, so I highly doubt any Windows XP machine would be low-spec enough for Lubuntu to be heavy on.

    That said, I don't really know that many people still running Windows XP. Lots of Windows 7. Some Vista. Some just switched over to Mac.
    I know quite a few people still using XP. In the internet cafes they are all XPs.

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