I have an Ogre App with CEGUI,OIS running in full screen mode.It allows launching of external predetermined applications for example xbmc.However, It crashes under a peculiar condition. If i click a button in this Ogre App to open say XBMC and then after exiting XBMC i come back to the Ogre app,Now if i click on the "Exit" button it freezes!! For the same steps under non full screen mode/windowed mode it works as expected! When i say it freezes what actually happens is the screen of this Ogre app freezes and everything else works perfectly in the Background.I can say this because i can "Feel" the mouse moving around different windows that are open in the background.Add to it if I change to other terminal (ctrl+alt+F2) and if immediately i turn to GUI using ctrl+alt+F7 the frozen full screen of Ogre app is disappeared!!and the system runs smoothly! Note: to exit i return false from the framerenderingqueued method. Systemubuntu 12.04LTS,ATI
Last edited by lisati; September 3rd, 2013 at 08:03 AM. Reason: Please use the default font
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