I know its been quiet around these here parts... But, we are begining a renovation around this place. ---- With a recent spike in interest we are going to be pushing for regulars, as well as new commers, to become Ubuntu Members. This has been an ever growing team and its about time Toddc pushed us to get down to business. =D> I will be bringing back a project that I started, but never got off the ground, a monthly newsletter. So this means I will need some people to write, very short, pieces for it. Be it .. Project they are working onIssue they want to bring up to the communityAtta-Boyscommendationsreviewsetc. If I can't find people to write then that will mean I have to do it all, and we won't want me to drone on any more than I have to. This Saturday some of us will be getting together to help people with their personal wiki, required for Ubuntu Membership. If there is any interested parties out there, give us a shout! IRC #ubuntu-us-az on irc.freenode.netReplying to this poste-mail: ericcc@azloco.com While doing the newletter template we had a newcomer stop by the chat. He had made it to this weeks Stamticshe and met with some of the regulars. He had quite an impressive webdesign example and offered to give some input on the current website, which is pretty bleek as it stands. So keep an eye out for that! I guess that is it for now, got work in a short bit... Take care and we'll see you around! --erroric
I think this a great start but I requested removal from the team by email awhile back. Without a secure means to attend events sanctioned by the team, there isn't much else that interests me. Most of my positive experiences with Ubuntu has come in the form of learning via You Tube videos and also commenting on those videos. I am up for suggestions though.
All My Best MButterman
Im sorry to hear about your situation. After talking to toddc about it. We have the bigbluebutton stream up for exactly your type of situation, anyone who cannot make it down to the meetings. Todd spends time watching to make sure we know when someonen pops into the stream at the installfest. I think its a great way for people to participate that cannot make it down to the meetings. I've used it before and it lets you see whats going on, hear the conversations, and with a little bit of arranged planning, you can collaborate on projects online! As for taking yourself off the correspondance, that is something we provide at the bottom of emails that you can unsubscribe. If you need assistance with that just let us know! --erroric
bigbluebutton stream? What is it and how do I participate? I have been wanting to go to a installfest for quite some time but being in west phoenix and getting to these events is frustrating. I have the time and desire but lack transportation. We have bus service out here but the travel time round trip would be considerable. Also, if I was to bring my system, it would make bus travel impossible. I figured that in order to learn command line, I would have to do it via You Tube and reading books. I miss the socialization that events would provide. It's difficult to place names to faces if you are just using irc. Thanks for the reply and certainly if there is a way to be more interactive with the team, I'm on board.
I am a little confused here. I hadn't login on the teams website for quite some time and tried to do so this evening with no success. While I made the request for deletion. has that been done? The bigbluebutton stream would answer my concerns however, I never recieved a explanation of how it works so I could utilize it. I would be more than happy to help with the resurrection.
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