In order to improve login security, Ubuntu Forums now only accepts login via Ubuntu One single sign on at You cannot login via other SSO providers. Neither can you login from your Launchpad account, which was an option prior to a major upgrade to the forum software in February 2013. By logging in via Ubuntu One SSO, you agree to abide by the Ubuntu Forums Code of Conduct. Quick, simple instructions. Users with a pre-exisiting forum account. Set your preferred email in Ubuntu One to match the email registered to the forum account. If you do that you will be logged into your original account with the two accounts linked. Your forum account will retain its original username, whatever your Ubuntu One name. If you get the email wrong, the system will create a new forum account with a name derived from the Ubuntu One name. You will not be able to unlink it by changing settings in Ubuntu One - you will need to ask a forum admin in the Resolution Centre. Those new to the forum. Choose a name in Ubuntu One that you are comfortable using on the forum; the forum account will have a username derived from your Ubuntu One account name - details below. Detailed instructions. For those new to the forum, please note the following: You need to create an account at before being able to login to the forum. When you first login to Ubuntuforums with your Ubuntu One account, a forum account will be created for you with a username based on the Ubuntu One username (where your Ubuntu One account is an older one with a username field), or if this is a newer account with no username field, your Ubuntu One Full Name. If you untick the Full name box so as not to share it, the system will use all or part of the local part of your email address (the part before the @) to generate your forum username. If you are not comfortable with having your real name used as your forum username, and if the local part of your email reveals your real name, then you will need to change your Ubuntu One real name to a nickname before you log in. You can change the Ubuntu One name back again once the forum account has been created. Please note, that the system may append a number to your forum account username. For example, if you chose “johdoe” as your Ubuntu One account name, and there is already a “johdoe” account in the forum database, your forum account will be named “johdoe2”, or "johdoe3" if there is already a johdoe2, and so on. If your forum name is a random string quite unlike your Ubuntu One account name, and you would like a more meaningful username, please post in the Resolution Centre and an admin will deal with this for you. These were created between July and the latter part of October 2013 as a fallback. The algorithm has now been changed so that they should no longer be occurring. We apologise for the inconvenience. Existing Forum Account Holders, please note the following: Please ensure that your preferred email address on matches that associated with your Ubuntu Forums account. This way your accounts will be linked automatically. It does not matter if your forum and Ubuntu One account usernames are different; the match is done by email address only and if you have a current forum account, the forum username will not change. If the email on your Ubuntu One account does not match any email in the forum database, a new account will automatically be created with a post count of 0, and with a name derived from the Ubuntu One name. It will not be possible to transfer post counts, profile information or any privileges associated with a high post count to the newly-created account. It will be better therefore to match your Ubuntu One preferred email with that registered to your forum account. As soon as you have logged in the first time, the two accounts will be associated and you will be able to change your email addresses on either or both accounts without affecting the account association. If you have an Ubuntu Forums account but no Ubuntu One (SSO) account, please go to and create an Ubuntu One account with the same email address associated with your Ubuntu Forums account. If you have a previous forum account but inadvertently created a new account because the email in your Ubuntu One account didn't match the old forum account, changing the email in Ubuntu One will not enable you to log into your old account until a forum admin has adjusted certain configurations. Since so many are not appreciating this point, it needs repeating: once you have created a duplicate forum account, you can change settings in your Ubuntu One account until hell freezes over without breaking the link to the new account. Please post in the Resolution Centre explaining your situation and a forum admin will deal with this. Please read this sticky before posting. All users, please note: When you login the first time using Ubuntu One, your forum account is associated with your Ubuntu One account. Once the association has been created between your Ubuntu One account and your forum account, you can set different emails in the two accounts – this will not break the association. The association between the Ubuntu One account and the forum account can only be removed by a forum admin. Forum Passwords. The forum (vbulletin) password is now an irrelevance. The only password that matters to you for logging in is your Ubuntu one password. The password fields still appear in “Edit Email and Password” in your user settings for a reason, but please ignore them. You no longer have to give a password to change you email, but you still have to verify the new email address if you change it by going to the verification email in your new email inbox and re-activating your account from it. Usernames. The forum username and Ubuntu One username only match if you have created a new account. If you have an older forum account, the original username is retained even if it differs from your Ubuntu One username. This is intentional. The match is done on the email address only. If you see a “This email address cannot be used” in your Ubuntu One account when adding an email address, the most likely explanation is that you have another Ubuntu One account which is using this email address. If you need to contact an Ubuntu One admin, a “contact us” link is in this page. Gmail/googlemail. If you have a google email account, please note that gmail/googlemail has a few quirks that cause problems with email matching between Ubuntu One and the forum account. The email match is a simple string match. Google treats accountname@googlemail and accountname@gmail as the same, but the SSO log in setup sees them as different addresses. Also, Google allows you to add periods in the account name, thus accountname@gmail,,, and so on, all go to the same gmail inbox, but are seen as different addresses by SSO login. Please be sure you are using the same domain name and use of periods in the account name in Ubuntu One that are in your forum account email address when logging in for the first time. If you have any suggestions for amendments or additions to these notes, please post here. Please do not post general discussion or requests for help with individual accounts. Such posts will be removed. General discussion about SSO login can go here.
Last edited by coffeecat; April 24th, 2014 at 09:09 AM. Reason: updated
Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop Guide - Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop Guide - Forum Guide to BBCode - Using BBCode code tags Member: Not Canonical Team If you need help with your forum account, such as SSO login issues, username changes, etc, the correct place to contact an admin is here. Please do not PM me about these matters unless you have been asked to - unsolicited PMs concerning forum accounts will be ignored.
Temporarily closed while I move all the chat to a different thread. EDIT: reopened. I've moved all the posts except the OP to this thread which will be better for general discussion, so that we can keep this thread purely for comments/feedback for improving the instructions in the OP. I have amended the "All users please note" part of the OP to answer questions posed by now moved posts. Thanks to those who asked for those clarifications. Please now confine all posts in this thread to questions/comments for improving the instructions above. Off-topic stuff, general discussion and requests for help with individual accounts will be moved or removed as appropriate.
Last edited by coffeecat; August 3rd, 2013 at 11:59 AM.
Ubuntu Forums Code of Conduct