I suppose this can't be actually done,however what I actually wanted to ask is whether I can temporarily disable all the entries added to my hostfile,in case I need to check if a specific website doesn't open exactly because of some line added to that hostfile. It has happened to me before,and going through the list manually commenting the lines that *could* prevent some website from loading is definitely annoying:I take a quick switch like sudo ufw disable/enable doesn't exist for the hostfile,right ?
No. You would have to comment all the lines out - or just create a new hosts file with just the default entries.
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Rename it temporarily. You could do mv /etc/hosts /etc/hostess and to undo mv /etc/hostess /etc/hosts
Rename it, as described, but also be sure to make a new one with the default entries for localhost.
Cheers, Herman http://www.aeronetworks.ca
Yes,I should have thought about that...thanks.
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