In lieu of having an in-person get together, we'll be having a statewide conference call Thursday night as our release party for the Raring Ringtail. The event will kick off at 9 PM Eastern. To log in to the call you call with your phone 1-724-444-7444 and enter call ID 127739. Unless you already have a TalkShoe account, hit 1# to join the call. Everybody will join the call muted initially. There will be opening remarks by me and then things will be opened up for informal chatter. We'll be playing this by ear as a state-wide electronic gathering with a low barrier to entry. You can dial in to the call up to fifteen minutes before it is scheduled to begin. To help us measure expected participation, please go to to register to attend. This costs nothing but does help us get an idea for who will be there and who won't be there. If asked to log in, use your Launchpad log in credentials. You'll have the choice of saying that you'll be there for sure, maybe you'll be there, or you won't be there. Have a great rest of your Tuesday and I look forward to joining everybody Thursday night for a chat. Stephen Michael Kellat
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