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Thread: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Question My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    I'm not separated anymore (which was the case since those versions imposing Unity out-of-the-box), I'm on the divorce mode for good, and I keep all!

    Sad. I was hoping to see a version for desktops, after seeing ver. 11.xx + Ubuntu engaging themselves into tablet paradigms taking the whole place... But it didn't happen. I have a couple of desktops at home, as well as a laptop, and they are NOT tablets nor "smartphones", they are computer desktops and laptops, period, and I don't &?%!@ need that tablet/phone touch-zilch oriented interface! Unfortunately Canonical has chosen the path of mini-guizmos with its OS interface design, more over it does it badly! IMHO, trying to unify the interface between tablets and desktops is a very bad move : it's not unifying anything since these are pertaining to distinct contexts and paradigms anyways : for tablets, I find that Android or Windows 8 are much more appropriate and usable than Unity's "halfway interface design", while on the other hand it's the worst interface one can get for a desktop PC. If unifying means "leveraging for the least common denominator" for both (cause you cant leverage with the best of both since they are both different in size, usage and context)... Bad move.

    Who really thought at Canonical that there exist some Universal unifying stuff, like a dogmatic magic wand from some God Unifying everything into one single entity (while on the opposite, the Universe, Nature and Evolution in itself, are expanding in complexity)? The path that Canonical has taken is a philosophical error from the start. At least provide two versions, one for "out-of-the-box desktop" and the other for "out-of-the-box tablet finger-pointing guyzmo"...

    Hence, my question : does anyone has a recommendation for another Linux distribution which is desktop-oriented out-of-the-box, and which is compatible with Steam/Valve system for games I'm playing on my 46 inches LCD HD screen via my custom and powerful Multimedia-PC (of course my Samsung HDTV is not touchscreen, I don't have Bill Gate's wallet for this kind of futile and useless functionality in regards to bigger screens than tablets ; thus, any distro interface designed with some "touching tsoin-tsoin" in mind is out of the question)?
    Last edited by HawkFest; April 19th, 2013 at 09:13 PM. Reason: Corrections

  2. #2
    monkeybrain2012 is offline Grande Half-n-Half Cinnamon Ubuntu
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    Oct 2012

    Re: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    Dude, stop being melodramatic. I use Unity on desktops and laptops and love it, and many do too. "the path that Canonical has taken is a philosophical error from the start"??? How arrogrant of you.

    If you want to stick to a "desktop paragdigm" all you need is to slap on a different DE, or use a different flavour of *buntu (Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu comes to mind) It is like changing your jacket. What is the big deal to warrent this kind of melodrama?

    BTW, Canonical didn't kill your beloved gnome2, gnome did, take a look at gnome 3 (which is the default for most non Ubuntu distros: Debian, Fedora etc), that wouldn't be "desktop oriented" for you either, I am sure.
    Last edited by monkeybrain2012; April 19th, 2013 at 09:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    Ubuntu comes with several flavours, from the most light-weight to the fanciest and heavy-weight desktop environment

    - Lubuntu with LXDE
    - Xubuntu with XFCE
    - Ubuntu with Unity
    - Kubuntu with KDE
    - and new from the end of this month, Ubuntu Gnome

    Maybe Xubuntu or Ubuntu Gnome would be the easiest to get used to if you like the classic desktop style. I like Lubuntu because it is fast and simple (but too little eye-candy for many people). And believe it or not, I'm starting to like standard Ubuntu. The 12.04.2 LTS version is quite nice.

    Otherwise Linux Mint has a few good desktop choices. Mint is based on Ubuntu, so it is the same engine under the hood.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    ubuntu 13.04 will have a official gnome version, 13.04 comes out on the 25th
    the only note worthy bug atm is hdmi audio is broken on nvidia GPUs, a fix has been commented but is not in the kernel yet, you could use a mainliner kernel as a workaround
    you may prefer xubuntu though, it a fully customizable, this is how i have mine setup

    BTW Unity is not that bad for desktops, it is very usable, much better than windows 8 is out of the box
    the only real issue i have with unity is i don't have anywhere to put all my sensors and system monitor applets i have the same issue with windows
    Last edited by pqwoerituytrueiwoq; April 19th, 2013 at 09:41 PM.
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  5. #5
    monkeybrain2012 is offline Grande Half-n-Half Cinnamon Ubuntu
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    Re: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    Quote Originally Posted by pqwoerituytrueiwoq View Post
    ubuntu 13.04 will have a official gnome version, 13.04 comes out on the 25th
    Hahahaha, this is a good one. If OP hates Unity to the point of "divorce" because it doesn't look like Win95, fat chance he would like Gnome shell.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    i was just linking what you suggested, i suggested xubuntu for a reason
    i see no point in suggesting 12.10 with 13.04 being this close to the final release
    Laptop: ASUS A54C-NB91 (Storage: WD3200BEKT + MKNSSDCR60GB-DX); Desktop: Custom Build - Images included; rPi Server
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  7. #7
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    Re: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    Another case of "I don't understand it, therefore it is stupid.".
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  8. #8
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    Re: My Ubuntu Honeymoon is over.

    This thread is rapidly heading in a bad direction.

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