Originally Posted by pfeiffep I tripped on my ignorance since I could not find preferences in unity I think I phrased my last response badly. Both the gsettings and the preference are only available in Nautilus 3.7 or higher. You can get to preferences by clicking Files in the menu bar at the top left of the screen. That is how the newest GNOME3 apps work.
Ubuntu Desktop Developer | Launchpad profile
GET NAUTILUS 3.4 FEATURES BACK IN UBUNTU 13.04 WITH SOLUSOS PATCHED NAUTILUShttp://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/get-n...in-ubuntu.html Works like a charm...
Originally Posted by lapaza GET NAUTILUS 3.4 FEATURES BACK IN UBUNTU 13.04 WITH SOLUSOS PATCHED NAUTILUS Works like a charm... Does it work on Saucy?
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Thank you! that special Nautilus version works in Raring. After the poor experience of 12.10, and that useless file manager in 13.04, I was already considering to go back to 12.04, which so far seems to be the best Ubuntu available.
Such a shame when things get dumbed down and useful features are stripped out. Is this Ubuntu or Gnome's fault? I don't see any reason to remove a useful feature like expandable folders when it was already included and easy to turn on or off in the preferences.
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Originally Posted by undoIT Such a shame when things get dumbed down and useful features are stripped out. Is this Ubuntu or Gnome's fault? I don't see any reason to remove a useful feature like expandable folders when it was already included and easy to turn on or off in the preferences. The features were removed by Gnome, Ubuntu has added back some of the lost functionality.
Originally Posted by cariboo907 The features were removed by Gnome, Ubuntu has added back some of the lost functionality. Gnome has been on a long downhill slide into the abyss of dumbness and decreased user functionality since the release of 3.0
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