Ok, so this is exactly what I'm running, word for word:
alex@kubuntu:/tmp$ cat test.sh
while true; do
expect << EOD
spawn ssh stonecold@shell.cjb.net
expect 'stonecold@shell'
send "cd gelbooru; ./scrape_deleted.sh\n"
expect 'stonecold@shell'
send "logout\n"
echo "Done, sleeping 1 hour"
sleep 1h
echo "Restarting"
alex@kubuntu:/tmp$ ./test.sh
spawn ssh stonecold@shell.cjb.net
Last login: Sat Mar 30 05:58:58 2013 from
[stonecold@shell ~]$ cd gelbooru; ./scrape_deleted.sh
Started Sat Mar 30 05:59:29 MDT 2013
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Done, sleeping 1 hour
I had to control+c because it only exits and says "Done, sleeping for 1 hour" when ssh (and expect) closes.
So the shell server is disconnecting very soon after I connect, and I need the script to be able to run a little while longer.
When I connect normally, run "cd gelbooru" and "./scrape_deleted.sh", I remain connected for a full hour if I have to. When I connect either using expect or " ssh stonecold@shell.cjb.net 'cd gelbooru; ./scrape_deleted.sh' ", it disconnects in several seconds. HOW to I prevent this specifically?