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Thread: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    Quote Originally Posted by The Cog View Post
    But for what you are trying to do, can I suggest using screen? Screen acts as a screen-buffer between you and the commands you run. You can set a program running in screen, disconnect, reconnect later and see the program still running. You can even run several programs, hot-key between the virtual screens. I use it (for instance) I do an upgrade that must not be interrupted but I'm doing it by ssh over a flakey network. If the network fails and disconnects me, I just reconnect and see where the update has got to.
    Using screen isn't allowed to prevent abuse of the free account.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    Ok, so this is exactly what I'm running, word for word:
    alex@kubuntu:/tmp$ cat
    while true; do
        expect << EOD
    spawn ssh
    expect 'stonecold@shell'
    send "cd gelbooru; ./\n"
    expect 'stonecold@shell'
    send "logout\n"
    echo "Done, sleeping 1 hour"
    sleep 1h
    echo "Restarting"
    alex@kubuntu:/tmp$ ./
    spawn ssh
    Last login: Sat Mar 30 05:58:58 2013 from
    [stonecold@shell ~]$ cd gelbooru; ./
    Started Sat Mar 30 05:59:29 MDT 2013
    Scraping post 51303
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    Done, sleeping 1 hour
    I had to control+c because it only exits and says "Done, sleeping for 1 hour" when ssh (and expect) closes.

    So the shell server is disconnecting very soon after I connect, and I need the script to be able to run a little while longer.

    When I connect normally, run "cd gelbooru" and "./", I remain connected for a full hour if I have to. When I connect either using expect or " ssh 'cd gelbooru; ./' ", it disconnects in several seconds. HOW to I prevent this specifically?
    Last edited by Stonecold1995; March 31st, 2013 at 02:29 AM. Reason: typo and link

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    Those links should answer your question, but I've never needed to do that so I've not tested it out.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    Quote Originally Posted by mharv View Post
    Those links should answer your question, but I've never needed to do that so I've not tested it out.
    Those don't really tell me anything...

    Is it "expect eof"? I have no idea what that does.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    I think I've found a way to get it to work, sort of.

    I just created .bash_profile with contents that would run the script automatically. Then all I have to do is ssh into it to run the script, without needing expect.

    Let's see how this goes.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    Best of luck, hope it works.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    Quote Originally Posted by Stonecold1995 View Post
    I just created .bash_profile with contents that would run the script automatically. Then all I have to do is ssh into it to run the script, without needing expect.
    Since you already have public key authentication set up it might work to put command="somecommand" in your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. The details are in the man page for sshd in the section "AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT" That will allow you to run your script yet still have shell access when you need it.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Get SSH to simulate an interactive session, non-interactively

    Quote Originally Posted by Lars Noodén View Post
    Since you already have public key authentication set up it might work to put command="somecommand" in your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. The details are in the man page for sshd in the section "AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT" That will allow you to run your script yet still have shell access when you need it.
    I just have this in my .bash_profile:
    echo "Starting scraper in 10 seconds.  Press ctrl+c to cancel."
    if sleep 10; then
        cd gelbooru
        cd "$OLDPWD"
    So I'll still be able to work if I want to, otherwise if it's pseudo-interactive it'll just go on and run the script.

    Looks like problem solved!

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