Hey Everyone, Let's get this LoCo moving. Ubuntu 13.04 is scheduled for release on April 25, 20131. If we do a weekend launch party, we can aim for April 27/28 or May 4/5. I like the May date only to give us room if the release is late (which has happened before). Would any of those four dates be good for anyone? Anyone interested in attending this launch party? Thoughts? Comments? -Ricardo Feliciano [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule
They 4 dates are all fine. I am in Fairfax and an hour's jaunt is feasible. I can offer hospitality here. Two basic problems: we are a scattered bunch, Virginia is large and the bloom is off the rose. Ten years ago we could assemble over 100 people for an even, recently two or three.
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