A remastered LTS release for greater support of aging hardware. Looks really good and it runs really well. Just a heads up in case anyone missed it. Here is the url. LXLE on Distrowatch
Last edited by ronniew; June 15th, 2014 at 12:37 AM. Reason: nomenclature changed
You have used the Greybird theme instead of the default Lubuntu theme. What is the reason for the change? Did you do some tests and find that the Greybird theme is lighter in any way or did you prefer Greybird because it looks better? If it's because Greybird is lighter, how did you determine that?
Thread moved to Other OS/Distro Talk.
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It's well done and well thought out rendition! Have tried it as dual boot with Windows7 .32 and it is about the best yet.
Very good Good Luck
If you have any ideas which can help me make JabirOS better, please tell me!
Looks great. Is there any way I can install LXLE as a desktop environment to my current installation?
Originally Posted by JLeon85 Looks great. Is there any way I can install LXLE as a desktop environment to my current installation? not at the moment, unless you put your /home in a seperate partition. Create a new /home partition, then use the manual partioning system to mount that /home partition with the "do NOT format" flag set.
Last edited by ronniew; March 16th, 2013 at 11:13 AM.
Originally Posted by DaComboMan It's well done and well thought out rendition! Have tried it as dual boot with Windows7 .32 and it is about the best yet. Thanks much appreciated.
Originally Posted by Haghiri75 Very good Good Luck Thanks. Hope you enjoy it.
Originally Posted by JLeon85 Looks great. Is there any way I can install LXLE as a desktop environment to my current installation? I don't see any way from browsing http://www.lxle.net/index.php?x=about Maybe the author can create a PPA, worthwhile asking. Alternatively you can install it from their media and then add the standard desktop meta package for whatever flavour you are using.
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