I love Kingsoft office application, and i'm using it on my office's win os computer and android because for my opinion, this office more compatible with ms office 2003/2007 than openoffice / libreoffice.
Unfortunately, Kingoffice for linux (yes, Linux native, not Windows version with Wine!
)only available for chinese version (called: WPS Office for Linux, beta version and only available for ubuntu (deb) rpm packages and tar when i'm writing this thread)
Searching with google, finally we can change to english version (with easy steps):
1. First of course we must download WPS office for ubuntu / debian from here and double click to install it.
2. Open the application to make sure it works well on our ubuntu's laptop/pc (just what i did
3. Close the application
4. Open terminal (ctrl + alt + t)
5. Type:
cd /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/2052
6 Type:
sudo rm qt.qm wps.qm wpp.qm et.qm
Now, open the application again, and thank's God... the UI changes to english version 
(Tested with ubuntu 11.04, and make sure this application works well on your ubuntu before you follow this steps)
Thank you