Hi, As the title suggests I was wondering if it would be possible to create an alphabetical listing within a Contents Wiki for available Community Ubuntu Documentation. Such a Wiki could include appropriate links to Documentation Pages. As it is now, users can search for answers or ask questions on the forums, which can yield reasonable results, however I consider a Contents Wiki could aid learning considerably. If members were to get used to looking things up on a Contents Wiki, I feel their general knowledge base would be enhanced. Anyway Ladies and Gentlemen, it is over to you. With kind regards, BlinkinCat - Edit : I believe there are several advantages which can be discussed further.
Last edited by BlinkinCat; March 2nd, 2014 at 03:50 AM. Reason: Added Edit.
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As I have an appointment to got to, I thought I would enter further information sooner rather than later : I am by no means an expert however I see the situation as being - 1. First and foremost, a Documentation Contents Page that could be considered a learning medium. 2. A Contents Wiki Page could readily be bookmarked allowing for a considerable space saving. 3. As all the entries in the page are linked, then only one bookmark is required to hold references to all the documents. 4. Individuals could be encouraged to install the Contents Page and to bookmark it. 5. If necessary, items on the Contents Page could be numbered to allow easy referral by responders to posts in the forums. 6. Disadvantages arise as and when Documentation Pages are out of date. Cheers -
You mean an index of the current documentation? I would find such a thing useful, myself. I think the reason you haven't had any replies is not that your idea has no merit, but rather that no one's sure how much work this would be, for you or any other potential volunteers. If I'm way off base understanding your OP, please advise.
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Originally Posted by oldos2er You mean an index of the current documentation? I would find such a thing useful, myself. I think the reason you haven't had any replies is not that your idea has no merit, but rather that no one's sure how much work this would be, for you or any other potential volunteers. If I'm way off base understanding your OP, please advise. Hi Ann, Yes, I meant just that, an alphabetical index to the current documentation, with links to the actual documentation pages. I have no idea how many documents would need to be involved - I have seen other sites where the alphabet is shown on the first page with links to the appropriate section further down the page - I don't know if such an arrangement would be possible or practical on a wiki page. Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 in my second post I think sum up my main thoughts on such a project. I am prepared to put in time if such a project was considered feasible. I consider that for such a project to succeed the following would be necessary. If no central list of Documentation was available - suggestions from individuals of which pages may be overlooked - of course it would be relatively easy to compile a basis of a list. Even my Bookmarks hold dozens of pages. The main point was to compile a collection on a central index which would only require one Bookmark. Regarding my time if I was to become involved, there would be a learning curve for me to learn the mechanics of creating the Wiki. Initially I may need some guidance but once I had learnt the procedures I would be prepared to put in quite a bit of time. I would appreciate any views on my additional thoughts. Thank you - Edit : I could start a thread in the Cafe requesting assistance in compiling a List if that was considered a good idea.
Last edited by BlinkinCat; February 2nd, 2013 at 05:41 AM. Reason: Spelling & added Edit.
Like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TitleIndex
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Originally Posted by Elfy Like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TitleIndex Hi Elfy, For a minute I thought such an index page already existed. But I assume that is just the basis for a Community Wiki page of the type I am suggesting. I would like to be involved in setting up such an index - As an example I presently have 62 Documentation Bookmarks on my computer. No doubt there are many more available. 1. What do you think of the idea Elfy ? 2. Could I accumulate all the names from a thread in the Cafe or would the names been listed elsewhere ? I have started reading up on the System and Wiki Documentation and am now on the mailing list. Cheers -
I must be at cross purposes - that is already an index to the community wiki.
Hi again, Oh I feel such a fool. I overlooked that. Actually to my way of thinking is that it provides too much information for what I had in mind. My thoughts were to provide a Wiki Index with the names of the most commonly used System and Wiki Documentation be actually shown listed on the Wiki. (probably totalling between 80-100) But I guess my suggestion has been well and truly answered. I don't know why my search didn't work. I can now happily Bookmark the Index. With kind regards, BlinkinCat. -
Last edited by BlinkinCat; February 2nd, 2013 at 10:15 AM.
Closed - op request.
Thread moved to Community Wiki Discussions. re-opened
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