heippa! (this message is also in english). tässä se on, suomessa varmaan tuoreimmat ja tarkkaimmat sääennusteet suoraan työpöydälle! suomi ei ole äidinkielini ja siksi puolet selityksistä on englanniksi mutta scriptan outputti on toki suomea. for so long i wanted the freshest and most accurate weather forecast in finland on my desktop but i had to do it myself in the end! regular updates. download here
Last edited by ohnonot; November 29th, 2012 at 08:06 AM.
please stick to the facts and be kind. what else can you do when you don't know each other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my avatar
Originally Posted by ohnonot heippa! (this message is also in english). tässä se on, suomessa varmaan tuoreimmat ja tarkkaimmat sääennusteet suoraan työpöydälle! suomi ei ole äidinkielini ja siksi puolet selityksistä on englanniksi mutta scriptan outputti on toki suomea. for so long i wanted the freshest and most accurate weather forecast in finland on my desktop but i had to do it myself in the end! regular updates. download here Hi Great work - I too have made a conky weather program in bash script conkywx - using wunderground as data source. You can visit my blog for details at http://foreverquest.blogspot.in/2012...sh-script.html There is a also a help wiki. Have a check and see if it meets your requirement - if you see the attached image - it has Helsinki along with a personal weather station data feed cheers Paramvir
why would i use wunderground if i can get my weather data straight from where it was made and where it happens? that's the whole point. unlike the internet, weather is a local phenomenon.
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