I just installed Ubuntu 12.04.1 and if I set static IP in /etc/network/interfaces I cannot access the Internet, but can ping nodes on the LAN. This computer was configured with a static IP with the older Ubuntu version and was working (LAN access and Internet access). I am guessing I missed some setting, but I don't know where and what.

Is there an additional configuration setting somewhere needed to permit accessing the Internet when using a static IP?

The router is set to split DHCP and Static addresses. Static addresses start at #200; below that everything gets DHCP assigned IPs. The Ubuntu 12.04 node was connecting to the Internet before I assigned the static IP. Another node with Lubuntu 12.10 could also access the Internet before I changed the interfaces file on that node to use a static IP.

The interfaces file contents are:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0
I rebooted after changing the interfaces file and I cycled power on my router thinking that might help, but it did not.

I am quite sure I can change the interfaces file back to DHCP and I will get Internet connection back.

If there is some additional information I can provide please ask. I am stumped as to where to look.
