Well of course you'll need conky installed, it's in the repo's...
As a start-up script you can use the following,
sleep 15
conky -c ~/.conkyrc &
exit 0
The script has a delay (15 seconds) and used to time conky to start just after your desktop loads. Change the delay as required.
Your conkyrc script using the example above, is to reside in your /home, or alternatively, you could create a hidden folder in home, and change the location to something like
~/.conky/conkyrc (note the folder is now hidden, while the file is not) and place all your conky related scripts, images etc in this single folder keeping them all together.
For subsequent conky's you can simply add another line like this,
conky -c ~/.conkyrc &
conky -c ~/.conkyrc1 &
Not too familiar with Lubuntu, but you'll need to name your start-up-script.sh, (an example), make it executable and add it to your autostart folder? or autostart menu?
Now to your conkyrc.
Firstly, conky is not themed externally rather the script itself calls the colour settings, images, styles etc. If you are set on one or more of the examples you have linked
to above you will need to download those conky scripts.
More often than not, a setup or readme file is also contained within the download itself.
After you've downloaded the required conky scripts, look back at your startup script: you have named the first conky simply conkyrc, and if using two, the second is named conkyrc1.
When setting up your conky script(s) ensure these names are used.
(Light-hearted) Warning: Conky is highly addictive! Prepare to miss important meetings, live on Vitamin B, and forget close family members names.
"Must... figure... this... out..." will become your mantra.