Originally Posted by
Feh is a somewhat dated method for achieving transparency in conky.
Transparency can now be achieved simply by adding the following lines;
own_window_type normal
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_transparent yes
Also without seeing the contents of your conkyrc file it is near impossible to provide an answer to your question.
Feel free to post it here...
I tried that change; removing the line withe feh, and inserting the argb_visual line. It was transparent. But a lot of the colours were all wrong and the animations on the memory and cpu gauges I like to use were really sluggish and downright bad.
Here is a copy of my .conkyrc file. Hopefully there's something there someone can make sense of more than me.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# performance settings
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.9
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
cpu_avg_samples 4
no_buffers no
double_buffer yes
override_utf8_locale no
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# overall position of window
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
alignment top_right
gap_x 30
gap_y 40
minimum_size 320 100
# minimum_size (width),(height)
maximum_width 320
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# other window settings
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
background no
own_window yes
# ----------
# use these three lines instead of the feh:
own_window_type normal
# own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_transparent yes
# ----------
own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_colour 101040
border_inner_margin 0
border_width 5
draw_borders no
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# text settings
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
font ubuntu:size=12
max_text_width 0
draw_shades yes
draw_outline yes
uppercase no
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# graph settings
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
draw_graph_borders yes
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# colour settings
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
default_color 7299fc
# A shade of blue found in KDE filter icons
color0 00fe79
# green for good battery charge
color1 ff0033
# red for low battery charge
color2 fc9a6c
# orange colour for file system bar
color3 fefe79
# yellow colour for swap space bar
color4 5aed5a
# green colour for RAM display
color5 e094e1
# purple CPU display
color6 3dfbf5
# teal
# Output
${texeci 600 feh --bg-scale '/usr/share/wallpapers/kde-default.png'}
${font urw chancery l:size=32}${alignc}Kubuntu${font}
${voffset 10}Time ${hr 2}${color6}
${font ubuntu mono}${voffset 05}${offset 20}System Up Time$alignr${offset -100}$uptime_short
${voffset 05}${offset 20}Current Time$alignr${offset -100}${time %R}${font}${color}
${voffset 10}Battery ${hr 2}${font}
${voffset 05}${offset 20}${font ubuntu mono}${if_match $battery_percent > 15}${color0}${else}${color1}${endif}$battery$alignr}${if_match $battery_percent != 100}$battery_time${else} fully charged${endif}
${voffset 05}${offset 40}${battery_bar 12}${color}${font}
# display battery bar; light green for okay, red for running low
${voffset 10}Hard Drive ${hr 2}${font}
${voffset 05}${offset 20}${color2}${font ubuntu mono}File System $fs_used_perc%$alignr${color #fc9a6c}($fs_used / $fs_size)
${voffset 05}${offset 40}${fs_bar 12}
${voffset 05}${offset 20}${color3}Swap Space $swapperc%$alignr($swap / $swapmax)
${voffset 05}${offset 40}${swapbar 12}${color}
${voffset 10}${font}Performance ${hr 2}
${voffset 05}${offset 20}${color4}${font ubuntu mono}Memory $memperc%
${offset 40}${memgraph 20,190 008000 00ff00 -t}$alignr${voffset -15}${memgauge 35,70}
${offset 20}${color5}CPU ${cpu}%
${offset 40}${cpugraph 20,190 800080 ff00ff -t}$alignr${voffset -15}${cpugauge 35,70}${color}${font}
${hr 2}
I've also attached a screenshot (reduced a bit in size)
(thanks in advance)