Hi there, I'm trying to create a cron job that displays a text bubble every minute. I've found notify-osd to work quite well. I created a Script called test.sh Code: #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/notify-send "Example Message" -t 2000 It works when I run it manually. However, I can't get cron to run it for me every minute. My Cron configuration is: Code: * * * * * DISPLAY=0.0 /home/pco052/Scripts/test.sh >> /home/pco052/check.log 2>&1
#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/notify-send "Example Message" -t 2000
* * * * * DISPLAY=0.0 /home/pco052/Scripts/test.sh >> /home/pco052/check.log 2>&1
Code: * * * * * /home/pco052/Scripts/test.sh >> /home/pco052/check.log Code: #!/bin/sh DISPLAY=":0.0" export DISPLAY notify-send "Example Message" -t 2000
* * * * * /home/pco052/Scripts/test.sh >> /home/pco052/check.log
#!/bin/sh DISPLAY=":0.0" export DISPLAY notify-send "Example Message" -t 2000
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awesome it works!! I noticed you put the display in the script instead of inside cron, is there a reason for that? Also what does display exactly do? Thanks for making it work!
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