Good evening! Third year of my bachelor in engineering is coming up in a few weeks, and in that regard, I could need a nifty timetable. I'm not skilled in writing new codes and scripts, but I'm fairly good at editing existing codes to suit my needs. This thread is for people willing to help me write a simple (I think it's pretty simple) code for giving an output in conky to say which classes are going on at a given day. Sudo code for what I'm guessing must be a script INPUT [time] Monday Subject X, time 0900-1200 hrs Subject Y, time 1300-1500 hrs Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday #same goes for remaining days OUTPUT #to display current subject if [time] is [range week], [range hrs] display correlating input within range of week and hrs #to display first next subject display next [range week], [range hrs] end Sudo code for using the script in conky #well, that depends on how the script was made, I guess - still, I don't know how to do that=P Okay! I hope you understood what I meant, and that someone takes an interest in this project. I'm thinking it's actually quite easy, but then again; I don't have that knowledge. So thank you in advance, if you wanna help me with this! Cheers!
rebuilding the wheel but if you need some planning tool, then "search" into the package manager example: Org-mode is a mode for keeping notes, maintaining ToDo lists, and doing project planning with a fast and effective plain-text system.
Last edited by dino99; July 24th, 2012 at 03:29 PM.
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