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Thread: Tomcat win't start after install

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Tomcat win't start after install

    Tomcat 6.0.35
    Ubuntu 12.04

    I am attempting to start using:
    sudo /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/bin/ start
    All I get is:
    Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.35
    Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.35
    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/temp
    Using JRE_HOME: /usr
    Using CLASSPATH: /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/bin/bootstrap.jar
    Usage: ( commands ... )
    debug Start Catalina in a debugger
    debug -security Debug Catalina with a security manager
    jpda start Start Catalina under JPDA debugger
    run Start Catalina in the current window
    run -security Start in the current window with security manager
    start Start Catalina in a separate window
    start -security Start in a separate window with security manager
    stop Stop Catalina, waiting up to 5 seconds for the process to end
    stop n Stop Catalina, waiting up to n seconds for the process to end
    stop -force Stop Catalina, wait up to 5 seconds and then use kill -KILL if still running
    stop n -force Stop Catalina, wait up to n seconds and then use kill -KILL if still running
    version What version of tomcat are you running?
    Note: Waiting for the process to end and use of the -force option require that $CATALINA_PID is defined
    which looking at looks like the default "how to use this command" when the "start" is not included on the end?
    Checking which java logged in as me (or as sudo) I get:

    eric@sl24:~$ which java
    eric@sl24:~$ sudo which java
    The shortcut /usr/bin/java points to /etc/alternatives/java which points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java

    This is kicking my tail...any ideas anyone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Tomcat win't start after install

    Found it. What a difference a fresh start the next day makes.

    In there is a place where it runs a file to set custom environment variables if needed:
    # Ensure that any user defined CLASSPATH variables are not used on startup,
    # but allow them to be specified in, in rare case when it is needed.
    if [ -r "$CATALINA_BASE/bin/" ]; then
      . "$CATALINA_BASE/bin/"
    elif [ -r "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/" ]; then
      . "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/"
    in my file I had the following line:
    set CMIS_CONFIG="$CATALINA_HOME/external/xcmis/ext-exo-data -Dorg.exoplatform.container.standalone.config=$CATALINA_HOME/external/xcmis/ext-exo-conf/exo-configuration-mysql.xml"
    For some reason when that line executed it wiped out the parameter passed to That made use it's default behavior and echo usage instructions. I removed the "set" from the line and all is now groovy!


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