I just setup my box.net and wanted to share the steps with anybody having trouble. I suppose you've installed davfs already.
Create a mount point:
Add this to /etc/fstab (correct the details for your user):
http://www.box.net/dav /home/user/box.net davfs rw,user,noauto 0 0
(Just as a note, https didn't work for me. It mounts but copied files never showed up. I saw something on their site about 256bit SSL encryption being available when you upgrade to business.)
To allow your your user to mount without being root you want to say yes to this:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2
Then add user to davfs2 group
sudo adduser $USER davfs2
Let's configure davfs in your home directory
mkdir ~/.davfs2
cp /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf ~/.davfs2
Add this to ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf:
To avoid typing your login and password every time:
sudo cp /etc/davfs2/secrets ~/.davfs2
sudo chown $USER ~/.davfs2/secrets
Add your login and pass to ~/.davfs2/secrets:
http://www.box.net/dav username@mail.com password
And finally mount:
I hope I didn't miss anything. I used some stuff originally found in french here: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/davfs2

Originally Posted by
Also, has anyone had any success using rsync or unison with a box.net mount? I tried rsync and it would do okay for a while then fail with input/output errors.
I've been running rsync for a little while and ever since I got the configuration correct (i.e., nolocks, http) I haven't had any trouble.
On the other hand, I want better synchronization so instead of rsync (or even Unison) I'm thinking of using something like dvcs-autosync or SparkleShare because they use a git backend and provide version control (among other features), but I haven't figured out how to set it up so that I can put the "central" .git repo on my box.net. (Maybe it's really simple.) Also, lots of my files are photos & music and I'm not sure if using git on them is a good idea.
http://www.syncany.org/ might be an interesting option, they say they provide synchronization for local folders (including nfs and fuse mounts) out of the box, but the project doesn't seem very mature yet.
Any ideas?