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Please use this thread for discussion regarding
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I've updated the wiki for release 2.3 of the script.
There are no specific changes required to support Ubuntu 12.10, but there are a couple of bug fixes:
1. Fix problem for grub-legacy users (original install was on Ubuntu 9.04 or earlier).
2. Fix issue for French language users when parsing fdisk output.
I've also added signed checksums of the scripts so that users can verify them before using.
Once you restart after migration completes, how do you verify that you are now booted into the correct partition and not the wubi?
What are the prequisites to do such a migration? Do I need to create partition and format according to Linux file system?
The first paragraph from the guide:
They must already be type '83 - Linux' and '82 - Swap'. Creating an ext2/3/4 partition and a swap partition using e.g. GParted will give you that. While it's possible to format an NTFS partition (type 7) as ext4, the script will reject it. For safety reasons, the partitions have to be correctly created and empty.This document describes how to migrate a Wubi install to partition. The partition(s) must be created already. The examples shown below assume the target partition is /dev/sda5 and the swap partition (if required) is /dev/sda6.
It might be good to have more detail in the guide (but I'm trying to keep it simple.)
G'day everyone!
First off, thanks for this product and I really appreciate it. I'm hooked on Ubuntu w/ Wubi.
((I used Wubi for about a week as a web browser/email client and to read up on linux before I finally make the switch. Got a bit of a handle on sudo now and running programs from a term and editing (slightly) with vim--still working out all the keyboard shortcuts . ))
My Current Setup:
((Well to be honest, it was the setup right before creating this thread & testing everything thoroughly.))
* Asus G73JH laptop
* Non-usable DVD drive (watched a lot of DVDs while deployed)
* A single Windows 7 partition
* Wanting to completely replace my windows partition with Ubuntu/Linux.
What I did:
1. Downloaded Wubi from official site.
2. Installed it and realized it's its own virtual image within windows.
3. Then realized I couldn't really ever get rid of windows while it was housing my Ubuntu.
4. Started looking around at partition managers and ways to get a new partition, then hopefully transfer linux to it and my windows files and then delete the windows partition, change the linux partition to incorporate the entire drive and be done with windows finally.
My Guide (or steps) to get it all working:
(After installing Wubi and currently booted into windows.)
1. I went and got a partition manager from (the one I used was MiniTool Partition Wizard.) After I hit apply to the new drive settings (ext4 for the new partition as well as having a 16GB swap file) it reset the laptop and booted windows into a program that did the actual work.
2. I then booted back into Windows just to ensure everything was still working and a-ok. ((This is when I realized it touched the virtual image of my current wubi install and I had to uninstall and reinstall wubi after having the partitions setup.))
3. Restarted the PC and went into Ubuntu.
4. Followed the guide here and got the image onto another partition.
5. Copied over all the windows files I needed (mainly my two games) over from the /host folder.
6. Used GParted to remove the windows partition.
7. I now have Ubuntu but I have a 120GB partition I'm not sure what to do with or how to add into my regular "home?" partition.
I hope this helps anyone or provides insight. It's basically a "rough" version and I'll tidy it up if I can. (Also mods/admins are welcome to spruce it up if anyone wants...heh.) I am now a happy Ubuntu user without having to use my defunct DVD drive or having to buy a new one!
Last edited by BlueTiger33; May 13th, 2013 at 10:23 PM.
Just to confirm, everything is working a-ok and it's all (mostly) setup exactly how I wanted, including my games.
Last edited by BlueTiger33; May 14th, 2013 at 08:35 PM.
Hey all,
I have a Macbook pro 3,1 with 2 HDD. First drive has OSX installed the second has WIndows 7 and I want to install ubuntu along side. I was getting black screens when trying to install from boot. So i used the Wubi installer from windows, that seemed to work.
Now I'm trying to migrate to the partition for Ubuntu and I get the following error when runing Wubi-move.
When I mount the partition that Wubi-moved copied to I can see all files.Code:dasaint80@ubuntu:~/Downloads/wubi-move-2.4$ sudo bash /dev/sdb1 Validating migration source... Source for migration validated successfully: Wubi host partition: /dev/sdb2 Size of install: 3772082 K Size of /boot: 60695 K Size of /usr: 2190409 K Size of /home: 103981 K Validating migration target(s)... Target(s) for migration validated successfully: Size of / partition: 219953972 K Target partition size is sufficient Grub2 will be installed to /dev/sdb Please close all open files before continuing. About to format the target partition (/dev/sdb1). Proceed with format (Y/N) y Formatting /dev/sdb1 with ext4 file system Copying files - please be patient - this takes some time Copying from / (root) Copying from /usr Copying from /boot Copying from /home Copying completed Starting chroot to the target install. Removing lupin-support on target... An error occurred within chroot Error is: /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!. /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged.. /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: will not proceed with blocklists. Attempting to exit chroot normally... Exiting from chroot on target install... Migration did not complete successfully.
Should I run update-grub?
How can I boot onto the newly copied partition?
Anything I can do about this?