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Thread: conky running but not visible, icewm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    conky running but not visible, icewm

    Conky shows up as a running process under ps, but it is not visible.
    It will often start as visible but as I run other programs throughout the day it disappears.
    My conky script grabs a background image, parses an rss feed and gets my gmail and gcalendar.
    I'm running icewm as the computer is a 1400MHz Intel with 512mb of ram.
    I'm guessing the constrained resources have something to do with it all.

    Is there any way to get conky to redisplay w/o a restart?
    The problem also has the annoying habit of preventing the icewm context menu from showing up when right clicking where the conky display typically resides on the desktop.

    Thanks for any help/insight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Courtenay, BC, Canada

    Re: conky running but not visible, icewm

    its likely that it's crashing for some reason if it disappears, check with a ps
    ps -e | grep conky
    conky will stop you from being able to use the context menu on it, as conky creates its own window on top of the desktop, just as any other window would prevent you from getting a context menu on the desktop

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: conky running but not visible, icewm

    I know that conky is running as stated in the OP by using ps. However it is not visible on the desktop. It just shows the background image with no overlay of conky.
    Although conky draws its own window, the right-click context menu still works fine when conky is running properly. I just checked as conky is currently running without the strange behavior and I can right click all over the conky window and the context menu pops up.

    Any other thoughts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: conky running but not visible, icewm

    post your conky config so some guru can check. It may be related to the own_window_type setting in there. Did you try something else there, like
    own_window_type panel
    own_window_type override
    There is also "normal" and "desktop", but what desktop is good for, I don't know, it only gives problems.

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