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Thread: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    BC, Canada
    Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    I recently bought an Android phone, the Samsung Galaxy. It uses a file system that's unfamiliar to me, called MTP. I've read up on it a little but and it ?seems? as if there's at least one bug in the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 12.04 related to MTP.

    Unfortunately for me, I do not appear to be getting quite this bug. But I'm not sure if my problem is exactly the same. For me, Ubuntu loads-up the file system without problems when I connect a USB cable between my laptop and the phone. But frequently when I initiate file transfers, the transfer is cancelled with various error messages, anywhere from "unknown error" to "file already exists" (when as far as I can tell, the file does not exist) and a few other errors.

    I tried following the instructions here:

    but they don't seem to be much, if any, help with this problem.

    So far I've been able to transfer about 3Gb of music files to my phone. But at present it won't let me transfer anything else over. Sometimes if I reboot the phone and my laptop, it will let me transfer a little more. There's still approximately 10Gb of free space on the phone so that does not appear to be the issue.

    I thought I'd start this thread in case anyone having similar problems comes across a solution.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    Quote Originally Posted by rybu View Post
    I recently bought an Android phone, the Samsung Galaxy. It uses a file system that's unfamiliar to me, called MTP... I tried following the instructions here:

    but they don't seem to be much, if any, help with this problem.
    Well, using those directions I was able to get MTP working with my Transformer Prime tablet... sort of. I can see files, and copy files to the tablet. But it's Very Slow.

    How slow? In a test case, a 1,212 KB directory of about a dozen files transferred in 9m46.331s - or ~2KB/sec. Floppy disks were faster than that. Granted, they didn't hold as much.

    No errors are being logged that I can find. It's just dog slow...

  3. #3
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    Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    Quote Originally Posted by sorceror View Post
    Well, using those directions I was able to get MTP working with my Transformer Prime tablet... sort of. I can see files, and copy files to the tablet. But it's Very Slow.

    How slow? In a test case, a 1,212 KB directory of about a dozen files transferred in 9m46.331s - or ~2KB/sec. Floppy disks were faster than that. Granted, they didn't hold as much.

    No errors are being logged that I can find. It's just dog slow...
    I have similar issues, except (1) sometimes the file transfers abort for no apparent reason and (2) sometimes files are transferred to the wrong directories.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Exclamation Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    I have the same issues in 12.04 with mtpfs 0.9-3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    hey guys do you find any solution to this problem

  6. #6
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    Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    Quote Originally Posted by harpinder View Post
    hey guys do you find any solution to this problem
    At present I find it easiest to transfer files to my phone via wifi. I'll send 2Gb of data to my DropBox account, then sync my phone to my Dropbox account, all via wifi.

    You'd think a direct connection would be simpler!

    I haven't been able to get my phone to talk to my laptop via bluetooth or a local wifi network.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    I'm on 12.10 and I've installed Gmtp, that is mentioned in the comments in the OMG Ubuntu guide. I haven't used it much, but it seems to at least kinda work. It took it quite a while to connect to the phone (Samsung Galaxy Nexus). At first I didn't think it would connect, but then it came through.

    So far I did:

    1. transfer files to PC
    2. transfer mp3's to Phone (each mp3 gave me an error (that I had to approve), but the transfer seemed to work).
    3. Delete files on the phone.
    4. Create folders on the phone.

    That's pretty much it so far.

    All in all Gmtp feels a little buggy, but the interface is nice, it wasn't that slow and it did perform the tasks I tried. So I guess you guys could it give it a try. could use ADB.
    Ubuntu 13.04 - Gnome Shell 3.8.x

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Wink Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    My solution so far is the use of SSHDroid on the S3 and FileZilla on the Linux Box but I want to mount the filesystem instead, I haven't found anything reliable, libmtp doesn't connect and the Ubuntu 12.04 default drops connection

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Wink Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    Sorry for the double post but I want to give new information. I tested this on Arch Linux (on Ubuntu couldn't install it) [1] and works good (but I faced some problems when iddle) and found this [2] that works with ADB as backend and it's more reliable in my experience. I hope this help you in your quest.

    My tests were with a Samsung Galaxy S3


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Ubuntu 12.04 and MTP file systems

    Quote Originally Posted by cristianpark View Post
    Sorry for the double post but I want to give new information. I tested this on Arch Linux (on Ubuntu couldn't install it) [1] and works good (but I faced some problems when iddle) and found this [2] that works with ADB as backend and it's more reliable in my experience. I hope this help you in your quest.

    My tests were with a Samsung Galaxy S3

    First time poster on these forums. Basically, I made this account just to thank you It amazes me that something like mtp support isn't built into ubuntu, but the second option, here, aafm, is working wonderfully


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