Which is a simple alias to thisCode:flexedit
Code:nano ~/.flexget/config.yml
Originally Posted by Linus Torvalds
Code:sudo aptitude search cairo | grep dock
(after saving and editing the rules ofc.)Code:cat /home/common/scripts/ | sudo iptables-restore -c
Last edited by miegiel; August 23rd, 2012 at 12:06 AM.
sudo apt-get install amarok
Intel Pentium 4 Asus P5N32-SLI DELUXE Nvidia nx7900GT 3GB Ram Western Digital WD2500AAKX 250GB Seagate Barracuda 80GB, 160GB Ubuntu 12.04 Arch
used to play flash videos in smplayer where i can use vdpauCode:cd /tmp;d="`date`";ln -s `f="$(ls -l /proc/$(pgrep -f flashplayer)/fd | grep deleted)" && f="${f##*:+([0-9]) }" && f="${f%% -*}" && echo /proc/$(pgrep -f flashplayer)/fd/"$f"` /tmp/"movie-$d";smplayer -fullscreen /tmp/"movie-$d"
Laptop: ASUS A54C-NB91 (Storage: WD3200BEKT + MKNSSDCR60GB-DX); Desktop: Custom Build - Images included; rPi Server
Putting your Networked Printer's scanner software to shame PHP Scanner Server
I frequently edit my post when I have the last post
Code:QIII@computer:~$ sudo apt-get winning-lottery-numbers QIII@computer:~$ lol! like i haven't heard that one before. loser! leave me alone. i have a date with a microwave.
Last edited by QIII; August 23rd, 2012 at 04:13 AM.
Please read The Forum Rules and The Forum Posting Guidelines
A thing discovered and kept to oneself must be discovered time and again by others. A thing discovered and shared with others need be discovered only the once.
This universe is crazy. I'm going back to my own.
Which is a .bashrc functionCode:mplayer_ kuulsuse_narrid.mpg
Code:function mplayer_(){ if [ `ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>&1 | grep "h264 (High 10)" -c` = 1 ]; then mplayer -geometry 1680:282 -*** -ontop -stop-xscreensaver -vc ffh264, -vo vdpau -fs "$1" `echo $@ | cut -f2- "-d "`; else mplayer -geometry 1680:282 -*** -ontop -stop-xscreensaver -vc ffh264vdpau, -vo vdpau -fs "$1" `echo $@ | cut -f2- "-d "`; fi }
Originally Posted by Linus Torvalds
Code:sudo iftop -p -c iftop.resolve.conf