Dear all, Having upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 I was looking for an easy to use PDF editor and stumbled across pdfshuffler. Like the interface and how simple it works. Unfortunately I cannot save any new document. It just gives an empty error message. Any experience the same and found a solution? Any advice? Many thanks, Tom
Anyone, please? Just tried on another computer, same error.
How do you save your pdf files,that is,do you type in the .pdf extension? Code: name.pdf Have you also tried to save it to another location? If you are still having problems, I would say un-install PDF Shuffler and reinstall it. I hope this helps
Classic Gnome Guide
I removed and reinstalled via terminal with apt-get and now it seems to run suddenly... Does not matter if I add the extension or not, just tried it. Perhaps there was a new version released in the meantime? Anyway, your post helped me and is very much appreciated. Thanks, Tom
The shuffle function works pretty well but while I can crop the pages, I cannot subsequently save the modified file. Error message unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'IndirectObject' HAs anyone found a fix for this?
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