Hello there. I have started a group that is called The Ubuntu Street Team.
So what is a street team ?
Well there are many different kinds but here are a few to start out with.
In the Music biz there are people that go out before the concert and they hang up posters and talk to people about the show. They ware band tee-shirts and and try and raise as much focus and energy to the event as they can . And alot times these crews also do the merchandising for the band also. This is one kinda street teams.
A different Kinda street team is a person/person’s that sits outside of a store or anywhere in public and gather signatures to hand off to there local congressman/women/zhe/whatever. There Missions is to gather as many signatures as they possibly can. They also (most of the time) get paid per signature. Like tenth of a US Dollar per signature. This funding is done in a multitude of ways.
You can also see street team’s In Las Vegas U.S.A handing out flyers for night clubs and what not. some times you can even see some street team crew members dressed up in a custom waving a sign around trying to attract a customer into there place of business.
So What does this have to Do with Ubuntu?
The street teams will be made up of people that go to festivals and other places where the human traffic is high. We will hand out live cds. who knows hopefully in the future we will have tables ad booths at these venues.
The Ubuntu Street Team is also trying to get togeather with police fireman mayor congressmen and women and just about anybody that has pull in the government. We will then try to get sponsored by one of these people. To push Ubuntu into the schools lib's and well just about every where. Via signautes form local people. that can then be made into bills for other to pass on.
What else is Ubuntu Street team up too ?
We would like to help out any and all LoCo groups by helping others to going there group. The last thing that The Ubunut Street Team wants to do is to take away from LoCo groups. We want to help LoCo groups!Help them get started in places where there is none, and help out others that might be having a hardtime getting members or whatever.
So if you would like to help out we just got are website of the ground yesterday and Boy does it need help.
1) My spelling is less then sub par.
2) some pages need filler.
3) We need members.
4) We need lawyers
5) We need sponsorship
The list goes on and on as we just started up.
The Site is located here. http://ubuntustreetteam.tk/
you can sign in with your launch pad account. if you would like to help develop the site then you can meet me on the forums IRC channel or Ubuntu Street Teams one.My nick is bobweaver. Or email and I will put you on the list to help develop
Thanks for taking the time to read this. And I look forward to hearing from you in the future with questions and answers
Joseph Mills