Just a friendly reminder to the community about the potential for Ubuntu membership via Forums Participation. Applying for membership can seem like an intimidating process, with a number of steps, form launchpad page, to gpg signed CoC, to testimonials, but don't let that fool you The staff is here to help you if you have questions or problems. In addition we do have an IRC channel for the forums, #ubuntuforums on freenode. I have asked those staff who use IRC to be available on this channel as well. Keep in mind, the idea we are trying to foster is friendship and community, so come on in from the cold =) Along those lines, we are working at integrating the Ubuntu Forums with the greater Ubuntu Community (irc, wiki, MOTU, askubuntu, etc). Future staff will be selected from the pool of Ubuntu Forums Members, so I would also ask the community in general to encourage those who you feel you would like to see on staff to apply for membership as well.
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. --Prince Gautama Siddharta #ubuntuforums web interface
Seems like application process is a lot easier these days -- however its likely my interpretation of the process. Kudos to all Ubuntu members -- You guys (and girls) deserve it!
Command Line Network Card Configuration / Port Knocking / Wireless Broadcom Reference / Compile Pidgin from Source / GnuPG Advanced Concepts
WHen I tried to apply I couldn't create a Wiki for some reason...
Steam: ubuntugamer( Add me ) | Gaming: Left 4 Dead 2, Metro Last Light, Assassin's Creed 4, Forced
Originally Posted by Dlambert WHen I tried to apply I couldn't create a Wiki for some reason... Hello, What is the exact problem you are having? If you are having problems with the markup then you could take a look at my wiki to see examples. Alternatively you might want to join us in #ubuntuforums where we will be able to help you in a live environment.
Me on the web: http://i.imgur.com/qiOGooi.png http://i.imgur.com/AWmJSeI.png http://i.imgur.com/SxyhQGO.png
Originally Posted by Dlambert WHen I tried to apply I couldn't create a Wiki for some reason... Did you try logging into the wiki first with Ubuntu SSO, then navigating to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Your_Hame_here ? You might have to register for SSO, though... Originally Posted by s.fox Hello, What is the exact problem you are having? If you are having problems with the markup then you could take a look at my wiki to see examples. Alternatively you might want to join us in #ubuntuforums where we will be able to help you in a live environment. Sorry to randomly post and offer help, but I have seen this as a common complaint when people ask the process for membership elsewhere, where they're not allowed to create a page (usually related to logging in or something).
Thomas LP: ~teward
Partners Support Community Ubuntu.com LogoutHelp dlambert You are not allowed to edit this page. That's what I get.
Works just fine here. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/test_membership
Originally Posted by Dlambert That's what I get. It offers you to create a new empty page. You also have to learn some MoinMoin markup .. which is very easy.
ventrical, you are answering a post that was created 3 years ago.
Forum posting guidelinesMember:Not Canonical TeamUbuntu membership via Forums contributions
Originally Posted by cariboo907 ventrical, you are answering a post that was created 3 years ago. ... ehaehaehahe ... geee.... well .. things have been slow in UDV ya know ... lol
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