Bump ! https://ubuntuforumsorg.wordpress.co...tu-membership/
| My old and mostly abandoned blog | Linux user #413984 ; Ubuntu user #178 J'aime les fraises. Nighty night me lovelies! | SSO registration guide | Ubuntu Membership via forums contributions || Reinstalling Ubuntu ? Please check this bug first ! | | Using a ppa ? Please install ppa-purge from universe, you may need it should you want to revert packages back | | No support requests / username changes by PM, thanks. | [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Originally Posted by bapoumba Bump ! https://ubuntuforumsorg.wordpress.co...tu-membership/ I've just added an item to the upcoming issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - spreading the word far and wide.
Originally Posted by PaulW2U I've just added an item to the upcoming issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - spreading the word far and wide. Thanks I thought about emailing UWN, then an alien spaceship landed just outside my window and I got distracted ..
Quick question. I had to log in with SSO today but was a member before. Can I have my old account connected to this one? The username is the same.
Originally Posted by Knocks Quick question. I had to log in with SSO today but was a member before. Can I have my old account connected to this one? The username is the same. You mean the one created in 2008? If so, it looks like you successfully logged in to your old account. If no, feel free to ask for assistance from one of the forum admins by starting a thread in the resolution centre.
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